Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request!

Please be in lots of prayer for my Mom who is going to be undergoing an emergency c-section this morning at 7:00. Many of you know that because of complications with her pregnancy she has been on bedrest for the last 2 months or so...this morning when taking the baby's heartbeat....my Mom noticed a gradual decline. They called her Dr. (who thankfully lives across the street) and she said: Get to the hospital, we need to do a c-section!!! So please be in prayer for my Mom and for Charity Faith, the little girl who has yet to be born.

1 comment:

The Wakefields: Missionaries to Mexico said...

I'm sure by the time we saw this update and prayed, little Charity had already been born...but hopefully everything went well and mommy and baby are doing well!
