Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kreativ Award

Hey!! I got nominated for the KREATIVE AWARD by Mary Ginty! If you guys haven't checked out her blog you REALLY need to! She is too awesome you guys. And if you are bored...then that is the perfect way to bust it (After boredem buster of course :D) !!! Ok so about me....*raises eyebrow*

1. I want a big truck. Like those big Duleys or F250s or something! And it has to be bright RED! And I still don't get WHY people think that that is a problem. Personally I believe that if you DON'T want one of those trucks then you are a...yeah...anyways!!! LOL JK

2. I am actually 21 years old! Gotcha! Actually a lot of people believe me when I tell them that! It is kinda funny people will be like: " old are you?" and with a completely straight face I say: "21". The funny part is that most of them believe me (for the first 10 minutes...hey but thats something!! :D)!!

3. I'm engaged. Yep you read that right...I am engaged and I am dead serious!!! (I told you I was 21!!) Oh by the way...some of you might know him...Jesus Christ??? Anyways he is WAAAYYYY too awesome and I am not trading him for anything or anybody in the world!!!

4. I have friends all over the world. Yep thats right: Honduras, Belize, Usa, Mexico, even one in France!!! The coolest part is that if you are reading this you are probably one of them!!

5. I used to take violen lessons. I was taking them in the States and had to stop when we came back to Honduras. I was very dissapointed that I wasn't able to keep them up down here, and slooooowly but SURELY I stopped  practicing and put it away. I still have it somewhere.

6. I am running out of things to say. Now actually if you didn't know are pretty blind because all the signs were there. But at least you know it now!!!

I am going to stop there because I can't think of much else to put.

Now I get to nominate 7 new people (I don't know if I even know that many more people with blogs...LOL :D). This is what YOU have to do (if you get nominated):

1.Thank the person that nominated you for the award. Make sure and copy the little picture thingy that says Kreativ Blogger.

2. Link to the person that nominated you. (Mary Frances for me)

3. List 7 things people may not no about you.

4. Then nominate AT LEAST 7 other bloggers for the award. Post a link to THEIR blog and leave a comment on there telling them they have been nominated.

Here are the new nominees:

1. Peculiar Treasures

2. Classic Mary Moments

3. Thirteen Wishes

4. Hassas Photography

5. Ginty Images

6. Boredem Buster

7...I am running out of ideas!! Anyways!! Go get it you guys!!


Mary Frances said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Maybe I'll do it again like NEXT week or something! LOL

Mary Frances said...

Sooooooooooo HOW was your trip?!