Saturday, May 29, 2010

Brittany Davis

OK, I am honest...I LOVE THIS GIRL!!! She just rocks...and you GUYS...she is single! LOL ;)

Brittany Davis has been an incredible friend ever since we first met. She has put up with me throughout all that time. She is a teacher at a bilingual school here in Honduras. She lives about two hours away from us so we don't get to see each other very often. But she is definitely one of my role models. I even remember telling Dad that she was one of my role models on the way to the States in January...I think!! *wink wink* Anyways....I love ya, girl!!

Don't ask...she was just getting a little too much info!! :) JK

She is the one in the middle! (Oh, and I need to make it 
clear that all these girls are my friends...except maybe 
the geek on the side! ;) )

Love ya, girl!

Friday, May 28, 2010

My Pizza Hut experience

So my opinion of PH is kinda going-down-the-tubes. LOL So we went to eat at Pizza Hut last night, and the whole experience started out on the wrong foot. As we entered I just happened to glance over at take-out area. There was a young man (a worker from Pizza hut) getting ready to take his order. (Here they deliver the call-in orders on motorcycles.) So this young man has his box open and he is looking at the order he is about to take and he is calling something to I guess the cook. BEFORE MY VERY EYES I watched as he PICKED something off this SOMEBODY else's pizza with his BARE, PROBABLY DIRTY, hands!!!! Ok, so I think I am skipping take-out for awhile (at least from PH). So they seat us and everything went fine as we ordered and ate, then right when we were about to leave, they start setting up this table next to ours. When I say NEXT to -ours I mean I could have used the seat from the other table for an arm-rest. I am thinking, dude, only in Honduras...

There was also some interesting people, but we don't have time... It was quite an experience...

Monday, May 24, 2010

You gotta love a little child's ignorance. Especially one that was born in the 21st Century. So Josiah, Sarah, and Lydia have this little Dr. kit. It is really cute it has all the little things that drs need. It has a stethoscope, a plastic syringe, the little "knee hammer", a little scalpel, and some cute little glasses without the little "ear arms". There was also a little plastic thermometer, the old kind except it is just a plastic thing with a sticker.

So some of the kids were playing with the kit and they were "working" on Lydia. Josiah decided he needed to take Lydia's tempature so he stuck the little thermometer under her arm. After leaving it for a few seconds he pulled it out and said:


LOL! Just like a digital thermometer!! I love it!!! :D

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My dream vehicle

This is the vehicle that I have ALWAYS dreamed of owning!!! LOL Some people are like why that? My Mom even said, Allana, I just don't think that you are the F150 kind of girl!! Yep, that's right! The nice F150 is my dream vehicle, I was think like a F350 but I think that would be just a little TOO big. There's only one problem with ever getting this truck (not that I see it happening or anything) and that is that I am afraid the guys would be circling my truck instead of me!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sorry!! Anyways...

You guys I am swooning over here!! 

Rebecca Foster

Well, since you are such a good friend, I figured that my next "friend-post" will be on you. I have to say that I appreciate how much you put up with me when I was littler. I am so glad that we are a little closer than we were the first time you came down to Honduras. I remember being jealous of you through-out your first trip here. Several times I would get mad and jealous at you, but now we are pretty close and I am sooo glad that God has placed you in my life to be one of my best friends. Love ya bunches, girl!! (And I even restrained from calling you: patita!!! *wink wink*)

I know that you don't really like this picture...but I love it soo....  :D

Burger King is NASTY!!!

;) I love this picture!! (More for the you know... :D)

I look retarded!!! SERIOUSLY

Just so that you would know... I have been really sick, it is awful!!! But today I feel a little bit better. So that is why I haven't been posting. I just thought I would let everybody know! So I will try to post in this coming week! Oh, and I haven't posted my friend-post this week yet. I will try to do that today!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"Mr. Pot-head" Hopefully the last post!!! :D

Ok, you guys, so I have finally worked up the nerve to discuss the whole "Mr. Pot-head" incident. Ok, so this is going to be hard but I am going to do it.  So, how was I supposed to know...I had no idea and I am so embarrassed and...WHATEVER...  LOL

So, while the kids were playing with the pots and messing around they were calling themselves "Pot-heads" so...I mean, obviously I would put that as the subject with the pictures. I mean wouldn't you? I had no idea. If I would have known I probably would have put that as the subject anyway, but, I prefer to KNOW these things!! :D So when Mom read the post, and just lost it, I knew it wasn't over the pictures. I KNEW...I just looked at her though. She turned to mean and she said, "Do you know what that means?" And I said "What did I  do now?" The rest is history that was clearly explained by my Mom in her post. Anyways...I figured I would let everyone know that I am not embarrassed (anymore) :D!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Ok so most of you probably know that I hate forwards. Well I was looking at links on a friend's friend's friend blog's links (Lol) and I found this and it cracked me up! So I had to put it on here! Thanks, Caitlyn. (Although I don't know you!! :D Maybe someday you will find my blog!) ya go! Forwards

Prayer Please

I have so much that I need to post about. I know that it has been like forever, and I really want to catch ya'll all up...but I have not had time! (Imagine that, I think it is becoming the story of my life! ;) ) I may not have much time in the three coming weeks either, because my Mom is leaving for the States for three weeks. Ya'll please be in LOTS of prayer for me! (Fasting wouldn't hurt either :D)

Actually I would like to really ask that you be in prayer for my Dad. He has been sick since Friday night. I think it might just be some kind of virus but please be in prayer for him! We know that God is still our healer!

Anyways...ya'll hold your breath there is a lot coming up! (Hopefully...if I find time in my schedule...)


Friday, May 14, 2010

Josiah's b-day!

WOW!!! 7 yrs. old?? Josiah is growing way too fast! Enjoy the pictures. (Blogger was a little messed up, thus the pictures are a little MIXED up.)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


This is one of the biggest moments in my wanna-be/aspiring photographer life!! This picture just makes me think that I actually might be able to do it! ;)


Oh...and I will be posting about "Mr. Pot-head" later!! I can't believe I did that! LOL But I don't have time now so...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Mr. Pot-head" Explained....LOL

This is Mom jumping in here.  I'm trying real hard to stop laughing...(sorry, Allana)!  Just looking back through the last few posts of this wonderfully entertaining blog...and can't stop laughing.  I was looking at pictures and reading the comments about "Mr. Pot-head" so I asked my sweet daughter (who has been raised in Honduras) if she knew what a "pothead" was.  She looks at me with her eyebrow raised and says, "No...." and as I started laughing... "OK, what did I do now?"  I explained to my beautifully innocent daughter what it meant.  So now as she is dying from embarrassment...(Allana, I know you will find this funny one day)...I would just like to say to all our wonderful friends, family and supporters....No we are not raising a bunch of POTHEADS!  ROFL  If ya'll don't hear from Allana for a few days, it's because she's still covering her head with her pillow being embarrassed.  LOVE YOU GIRL!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I love kids!!!

I love little kids!!! (That is probably why I am a Sunday School.) I just adore them! I really just can't get over kids!! These particular kids were catching a ride with us to their community which is about 30 mins away from La Ceiba (where we live). We were driving to Tocoa (which is about 1:30 away from here) where we have our services in the evening. They were a little tired...and before we had got to their stop, they were all asleep. I tried to take some pictures of them. They came out a little blurry but they were too cute with it!! :D

Friday, May 7, 2010

I haven't decided yet...

The other day Josiah said something that was totally Spanish translated to English. That means that it didn't make any sense in English, but we speak Spanish so we understood. So I asked Josiah if he was a Honduran:

"Josiah, are you Honduran?"


"Well, you talk like a Honduran and you act like a Honduran. You were born here in Honduras too, but your parents are Americans so..."

He just rolled his eyes and said, "I haven't decided yet!!!"

HAHAHAHAHA...Josiah, you are too cute! You let me know when you decide, ok?

Vanessa Mckillop...

You are awesome, girl!! I have been missing you extremely! I can not wait until Oct. Ok...since so many of ya'll Canadians read my blog, I have to make sure that this post lives up to ya'lls expectations!! :D If it doesn't ya'll should just skip telling her about this post!

I just wanted to let you know that you are AWESOME! I want to be just like you when I grow up!! ;) LOL You guys, she is totally awesome! She is also going to kill me when she finds out about this post I think!

So to the greatest:

I look awful in this pic...but you look good!

URG...look at my glasses...*sticks her tongue out at herself*.

Don't ask...;)

Lydia STILL asks about you!!

And let us never forget the killer-ants!!! :D (I'm sorry but that was too funny!)

Yummy cookies...

I made some yummy cookies yesterday! (No-bakes!) I took a pic. with a friend, but then she threatened me with my life not to put it on my I had to crop out Estefania. (Stephanie) I thought ya'll needed to see my side of the picture anyways. :D It is kinda scary with it!

Mr. Pot-head!!!

Already planning his next pot-castle!!! ;)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

60th Post day!!

It's my 60th post!!! Since it is my 60th I had to make sure this post was about nothing. This post is has permission just to ramble. To say nothing. It is my 60th, so that is all that I have to talk about! But I mean isn't it awesome! How many of your lives would be so incredibly  different if you didn't have the HONDURAN CHIKKA!!! ;) I hope a lot of you! So here is to 60th post-day!!! Have a great one, ya'll!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Unconditional Love

Wow, I was looking back ya'll and I just realized that I have posted over 50 posts. I have only had this blog about 7 months. That definitely deserves a big WOW...I meant that literally!!! (To all you fellow bloggers: Isn't it sad that that is the biggest that the font can get?? That is SAD!!!!) :D I was looking back a couple of days ago and realizing how much my posts have changed even since I started this blog. They have changed a lot even since the first of this year. How have they changed? They just sound 'older'. It makes me realize how much God has brought me through and how much it has matured me! I am not saying that to make somebody think good or bad of me, I am saying it as a testimony. God has allowed some big thing (to me) to come my way. I thought I would buckle and break. I thought that I would never make it out alive, but here I am today blogging about how much it changed me. Not in a bad way. It didn't break and shake me, but rather it made me more like the person God wanted me to be. When I was going into the challenge it felt like nothing good would ever come out of it, but look what GOD has done. Everything that came out of it is good.

I think that it is like that a lot of time in life. God allows a challenge to come our way. He is trying us. He allow things to happen to us. We feel like we will never make it out alive. We feel like any minute we are going to go over the brink. We are so sure that the next thing that comes is going to take us down, because we just CAN'T take it no more. But suddenly in that moment of our greatest weakness, the storm calms. Life's problems resolve themselves in some miraculous way. And we are back on our feet. We look back  and we are thinking how in the world did I come out alive??? If it weren't for the memories those moments, we wouldn't even believe that we had just been through tough times. We look back and realize that through all the ugly only good has come forth. That long-term illness became a faith strengthener. The endless nights of pain and suffering have caused someone else to see the truth. The lonely moments we spent in prayer because we didn't know what else to do, actually brought healing to a cancer-ridden body. We think: Wow, God, you ARE good!

But there is something that we can't forget and we can't make go away. The scars. What about those? How do we handle those? What are we supposed to do about those? What can we find good in those old ugly scars? Just think of those as reminders of how good God has been to you. He didn't HAVE to pick you up out of your situation. He didn't HAVE to hear your cries. Oh, but Allana, he is God. Of course he is going to do that. I mean that is what Gods are for.

Wrong...  He picked us up out of the pit of sin that we were living in. You are right...He's God. So that means that he has all right just ignore us. Why should he pick up us worms? What if his hands get dirty? What if we stain his reputation? What then? But he doesn't think about that...he just loves us. Unconditional love!! So those scars are just reminders of his unconditional love...

Or at least that is my humble opinion!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Benny Craig...

See I told you I would do a time don't doubt my word! JK

Just wanted to say what a great friend you have been to me! We didn't even know each other really well...and still don't sometimes. ;) We don't always stay in the best of contact (mostly my fault). But I still think that you are GREAT! I have "known" you forever...but I was always to shy to actually TALK to you. Somehow, somewhere I got over that and here we are today! I love ya girl (and I still think that you should create another blog, I will advertise it!!! Seriously!) 

Sorry...but I just couldn't resist! 

You love your family...and they seem to put up with you pretty well too!! ;)

You love yourself too, right?? JK

Never afraid to take a chance (mismatching socks and all...) :D

Love ya, girl!