Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"Mr. Pot-head" Hopefully the last post!!! :D

Ok, you guys, so I have finally worked up the nerve to discuss the whole "Mr. Pot-head" incident. Ok, so this is going to be hard but I am going to do it.  So, how was I supposed to know...I had no idea and I am so embarrassed and...WHATEVER...  LOL

So, while the kids were playing with the pots and messing around they were calling themselves "Pot-heads" so...I mean, obviously I would put that as the subject with the pictures. I mean wouldn't you? I had no idea. If I would have known I probably would have put that as the subject anyway, but, I prefer to KNOW these things!! :D So when Mom read the post, and just lost it, I knew it wasn't over the pictures. I KNEW...I just looked at her though. She turned to mean and she said, "Do you know what that means?" And I said "What did I  do now?" The rest is history that was clearly explained by my Mom in her post. Anyways...I figured I would let everyone know that I am not embarrassed (anymore) :D!!


Jacqueline Suzanne said...

LOL, that ok, I actually didn't even realize what you post!!! But it makes it funnier now!!!

Mary Frances said...

Its NOT a big deal Allana! I perosnally think its pretty cool that you didn't even know what a Pot head is!!! :)Kinda like when we don't know who hollywood icons and popstars are cause we don't follow after those things. The world may think we're dumb but WHATEVER!!!

Allana Schreckhise said...

I know...and it didn't really bother me except maybe right at first cause I was like...I can't believe that just happened, but after that it was ok! LOL So I hope you enjoyed the laugh! :D

Mary Frances said...

I did!!! ;)

Allana Schreckhise said...

*sticks her tongue out* So glad you had a good my expense!! ;)

Mariah said...

Thanks Alanna, for finally explaining to me what a pothead was when you came down! Such ur mom said before!