Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Mr. Pot-head" Explained....LOL

This is Mom jumping in here.  I'm trying real hard to stop laughing...(sorry, Allana)!  Just looking back through the last few posts of this wonderfully entertaining blog...and can't stop laughing.  I was looking at pictures and reading the comments about "Mr. Pot-head" so I asked my sweet daughter (who has been raised in Honduras) if she knew what a "pothead" was.  She looks at me with her eyebrow raised and says, "No...." and as I started laughing... "OK, what did I do now?"  I explained to my beautifully innocent daughter what it meant.  So now as she is dying from embarrassment...(Allana, I know you will find this funny one day)...I would just like to say to all our wonderful friends, family and supporters....No we are not raising a bunch of POTHEADS!  ROFL  If ya'll don't hear from Allana for a few days, it's because she's still covering her head with her pillow being embarrassed.  LOVE YOU GIRL!


Mary Frances said...

HAHAHA! AWWWW! Allana!!!! I TOTALLY thought you wrote that on purpose!!! I was like OH she is messin around!!! Thats PRETTY FUNNY though! Well don't take it down...just think of it as a CLASSIC MK MOMENT!!!
Btw- I bought some of that spice!!!

Jacqueline Suzanne said...

LOL, You know even thought I knew what a Pot head was it never crossed my mind!!! LOL but not this makes me laugh!

It good to see you online, Sis. Schreckhise! It seem like forever since I saw you and your kids, have grown up ssssoooo much!!! God bless!!! Prayers & Love from Arizona!