Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!

2010 is gone. 2011 has arrived! I guess Eugene says it best in his song:

Out with the old year,
in the with new.
January's coming up,
December's nearly through.
blah blah blah bla-bla-blah
blah blah blah bla-blah
Out with the old year,
Out with the old year,
Out with the old year,
In with the new!

LOL So...maybe he didn't say it better...  And, yes I know, January's already here, December's already through! But the principle is...OUT with the old year, IN with the new! Although I have learned a lot of things this past year. I have grown and matured. I am ready to leave that year behind! This is a time to start over and discover NEW things. To grow and mature EVEN MORE!!! WOW! How exciting! Can't wait! So...


That is my profound thought for the new year...

*mumbles* I can finally go to bed...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Long is finally HERE!!! :D

So, it seems, the question of the month is WHERE IS THE "Friend of the Month"??? Here is my answer! :D This is December's "Friend of the Month" or maybe I should say friends of the month. Two great friends of mine from the beautiful country of Canada (which I can't call mine...yet! LOL *wink*)!  After a lengthy interview with the two cousins (in which we extracted everything there was to extract from them, HonduranChikka is proud to present: Mariah and Danae Burgoyne!! (Hope I spelled their names right)

HC: So, tell me a little bit about yourself.

 Mariah Burgoyne (MB): My name is Mariah Christine Burgoyne, I'm 14, and my birthday is on December 3rd. I'm 5'7 Mariah is the oldest of three in her family. Younger siblings Megan and Matthew are ages 12 and 8. Mariah received the Holy Ghost at the young age of six. Other random facts that she mentioned were: If I could live anywhere in the world, it would have to, Honduras, Paris, California, Australia, or anywhere in Europe I guess. I love British accents. My most prized possession is my Ipod! I have 4 cats. I like to speak my mind; I am VERY opinionated. 

Danae Burgoyne (DB)My name is Danae Shelly Burgoyne. I am 14 years old. My birthday is August 10th. I am like around 5' 7'' 1/2. :)  Danae is the youngest of three kids in her family. Older siblings, Deena Belanger and Derek Burgoyne, are ages 21 and 18.

HC: What are some of your favorite foods?

MBI really like healthy food (surprise, surprise), especially brocolli & carrots. But I also like! Anything milk chocolate, and preferably with caramel in it.
I like Cracker Barrel & Olive Garden! (Yum, yum!) 

DB: My favorite food is pizza. My favorite restaurant is Baton Rouge!  I like chicken, too! 

HC: What are some things you enjoy? 

MB: I very much dislike clothes shopping! But I do love book shopping & shoe shopping. I talk to to my best MK friend on the phone, I like to listen to stories, play games with my siblings, cook, and I love to eat Reece's Peanut Butter Cups...the minis! I like to sing, scrapbook, make cd`s (a LONGGGGG story), drink milkshakes. I LOVE modern decor. I am currently remodeling my room! (WHOOP WHOOP) I absolutely LOVE photography! I like reading & writing books. 

DB: I like hunting. I like playing games. I love to listen to music. I LOVE playing the piano and singing. I love driving... LOLOLOL *private joke* I LOVE mountain dew!!!!!! I love dogs. I love to go to church. I like making cd`s! I like cooking. I like the color Blue. I like sleeping in!!! I love talking to Allana on the phone!!  I LOVE TO EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

HC: What are some things you DIS-like?

MB: I very much despise slow drivers (in front of me or in the drivers seat!), people who interrupt you, people who OVER-exagerate, and! I would like to throw all yippy dogs against a hard brick wall...

DB: SLOW DRIVERS!! Know it alls. Messy hairdo's! Second hand stores. Onions!!!! Public Bathrooms. Packing my suitcase. Dogs that bark all the time. Cows! LOL Water on the floor. People that talk really loud! Ice coffees!! :( Being thirsty in church! LOL

HC: Can you tell us about an embarrasing moment in your life?

MB: My most embarrasing moment: Well, one day, while we were currently remodeling our house, our carpenter was running late. So I was in the living room, standing on the couch, singing at the top of my lungs, when I hear a little laugh. And the carpenter was standing RIGHT THERE listening to me! Boy was I embarrassed!

DB: Um...I don't know! LOL I don't have any! I really don't get embarrassed a lot!

HC: Who are some great people in your life?

MB: I have the best men of God in my life! They are Bro. Daniel McKillop & Bishop McKillop. My role model would have to be Sis. Val McKillop. 

DB: Um... Sis Mckillop.. Sis Ruth... Sis Marcia.... 

HC: What is your biggest goal in life?

MB: Be what the Lord wants me to be. 

DB: I don't God's will! 

Well, thanks for much, girls, for giving us a peek into your life! We hope to hear more from in the coming years! And to all my followers I just wanted to say thank you for following this blog. If the Lord wills things will get a little better in this new year of 2011! Which brings me to my last point...

Happy New Year, everybody!!!


From left: Danae, Mariah, and Megan

Today's "Picture This" from

A buddy of mine was flying from Seattle to San Francisco. Unexpectedly, the plane stopped in Sacramento along the way. The flight attendant explained that there would be a delay, and if the passengers wanted to get off the aircraft, the plane would re-board in 50 minutes.

Everybody got off the plane except one gentleman who was blind. My buddy had noticed him as he walked by and could tell the man was blind because his seeing eye dog lay quietly underneath the seats in front of him throughout the entire flight. He could also tell he had flown this very flight before because the pilot approached him, and calling him by name, said, "Keith, we're in Sacramento for almost an hour. Would you like to get off and stretch your legs?"  The blind guy replied, "No thanks, but maybe my dog would like to stretch his legs."

Picture this: All the people in the gate area came to a complete quiet stand still when they looked up and saw the pilot walk off the plane with the Seeing Eye dog! The pilot was even wearing sunglasses. People scattered.

They not only tried to change planes, but they were trying to change airlines!

HAHAHA Can you imagine??? :D


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas II

Now I need ya'lls opinion. Which one do ya'll like better, this one or the one in the last post? Thanks!! :D

So...Merry Christmas again,

Merry Christmas...

To all my good friends! :D You should be getting one of these in an email later today, but to all those that haven't given me their email yet (achum...) this will have to do! LOL

Remember: It isn't X-mas, it's CHRIST-mas!!!

Merry Christmas,

Friday, December 24, 2010

For Uncle Brad...

I made sure that couldn't tell who you were!! LOL :D Aren't you proud of me?!?! *wink*


'A family is like fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts' - Unknown

An old picture...when Nathaniel was still shorter then me! WAAA!!

This is from last month!

I'll let you figure out which ones are the nuts! :D

Feliz Navidad, 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Feliz Cumpleanos a...

...mi querido hermano mayor *wink, wink*:   Kaniel Cassady!!! :D  Disfrutelo, solo va cumplir la edad que esta cumpliendo una vez! JAJAJA

Hasta la pasta...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Keep smiling...

(...can't tell how many times that has happened to me!!! HA!!)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thank God for good friends! :D

Ones like this one:

I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, Mariah, (albeit a little late) and tell you how much of a blessing it is to have you as a friend!

Be a rose which gives fragrance even to those who crush it! 

I love that quote of yours! You keep on doing that and God will keep on seeing you through!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I am thankful for...

Sunglasses, suits, butter, and of course something to put the butter on. Perhaps some buns would do! LOL

Right, girls??


Monday, November 22, 2010

Friend of the month

So before you say anything (even though I can't hear it) I just want to say I know that I am WAAAY behind...but then you can't REALLY blame me. ...too much!! :D If you only knew...and that is all I am going to say. So for all of you that have no idea what I just said or what I am talking about...we are now moving on!! :D (See...I knew you would be excited)

So seeing as I have July, August, September, October, and November's don't know what to say! Hmmm... Ok I have most of those friends picked out and will try to have them up on the blog within the next bear with me! :D

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!! :D


Friday, November 19, 2010 begin this post you all need to know something! :D I LOVE KIDS! :D I mean really love them...sometimes I think I regret loving them so much like when I end up short on help in my S.S. class, or am asked to keep the kids at home while my parents go out on a date night! *wink* Those kind of moments make me want to reconsider...but I don't! :D I still LOOOOOOOVE kids! So, occasionally there will be those moments when really they are just too cute for the own good.

Like when Lydia was caught sneaking candies from Mom's she ran into the living room, threw herself on the couch, and covered her head with a pillow. Mom proceeded to ask her: "Lydia, why did you eat the candy?" Amid the sniffles her response came: "Mom, I was hungry!" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Mom is supposed to be getting her in trouble for eating the candies right, but she turns around and starts shaking with laughter, albeit silent laughter! (Fortunately Lydia still had her head under the pillow) :D

Then just today we set down to breakfast and Nathaniel proceeded to go on and on about the dog that my cousins just got. After listening to Nathaniel for a minute, Josiah turned to him and said, "Hey, bubby, what brand was the dog??" RFLOL

Sometimes kids are just too cute! :D That's one of the reasons I guess that I still love them! :D


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ever wonder what is it like to make cookies while practically holding a baby...

...Well...wonder no longer! Why? Because I can tell you what it is fact I can show you:

Notice the arms crossed to hold the baby IN, while keeping her OUT of the powdered sugar,
while trying to dump the powdered sugar with the other hand into the mixer.  LOL

Maybe if I give her a measuring spoon...

...there we go!!!


Gone are the days of the broom-stick-horsie (sp?)...

Now it is the...


When my brother came in the other day showing us his "tank", I sighed (well actually I didn't but it adds to the effects), but I did think: where has the time gone that we have gone from mild horses to monstrous tanks!! WOW! Kids really do grow up fast I guess! LOL Anyways...

'Til next...


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Never include these in your high-school paper...(or any other paper for that matter)

The following originally appeared as winners of a
"Worst Analogies ever written in a High School Essay Contest"
in the Washington Post Style Invitational"

  • He spoke with the wisdom that can only come from experience, like a guy who went blind because he looked at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it and now goes around the country speaking at high schools about the dangers of looking at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it.
    Joseph Romm, Washington
  • She caught your eye like one of those pointy hook latches that used to dangle from screen doors and would fly up whenever you banged the door open again.
    Rich Murphy, Fairfax Station
  • The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't.
    Russell Beland, Springfield
  • McBride fell 12 stories, hitting the pavement like a Hefty Bag filled with vegetable soup.
    Paul Sabourin, Silver Spring
  • From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in another city and "Jeopardy" comes on at 7 p.m. instead of 7:30.
    Roy Ashley, Washington
  • Her hair glistened in the rain like nose hair after a sneeze.
    Chuck Smith, Woodbridge
  • Her eyes were like two brown circles with big black dots in the center.
    Russell Beland, Springfield
  • Bob was as perplexed as a hacker who means to access\aaakk/ch@ung but gets T:\flw.quidaaakk/ch@ung by mistake
    Ken Krattenmaker, Landover Hills
  • Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever.
  • He was as tall as a six-foot-three-inch tree.
    Jack Bross, Chevy Chase
  • The hailstones leaped from the pavement, just like maggots when you fry them in hot grease.
    Gary F. Hevel, Silver Spring
  • Her date was pleasant enough, but she knew that if her life was a movie this guy would be buried in the credits as something like "Second Tall Man."
    Russell Beland, Springfield
  • Long separated by cruel fate, the star-crossed lovers raced across the grassy field toward each other like two freight trains, one having left Cleveland at 6:36 p.m. traveling at 55 mph, the other from Topeka at 4:19 p.m. at a speed of 35 mph.
    Jennifer Hart, Arlington
  • The politician was gone but unnoticed, like the period after the Dr. on a Dr Pepper can.
    Wayne Goode, Madison, Ala.
  • They lived in a typical suburban neighborhood with picket fences that resembled Nancy Kerrigan's teeth
    Paul Kocak, Syracuse, N.Y.
  • John and Mary had never met. They were like two hummingbirds who had also never met.
    Russell Beland, Springfield
  • The thunder was ominous-sounding, much like the sound of a thin sheet of metal being shaken backstage during the storm scene in a play.
    Barbara Fetherolf, Alexandria
  • His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free
    Chuck Smith, Woodbridge
  • The red brick wall was the color of a brick-red Crayola crayon.

Seeing as this list can be found all over the internet on a variety of different websites, I don't think it is really important that I say where I got this. But out of respect for whoevers website this is I will make sure to post the website address. When I read this I took into laughing really hard! I can you be that bad. If you used one of these welll....umm...bless your little heart. ( can say anything about anybody as long as you say bless their little hearts afterwords and I quote Bro. Tim Joiner on that! LOL  So anything you were going to say...say it to him!! :D LOL)

Well...until next time my bloggie friends...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ok, I really need to work on this blogging thing! *wink* This is not going at all well. I meant to post lots last week and...ooops...wouldn't you know I either forgot or didn't have the time. Well....    I am not going to make a really great blog but not having time! :D Anways...I didn't post last weeks "Dedicated to..." so I wanted to do well as post THIS weeks! OH is going to be a full day! :D I am going to post TWO posts...that's pretty good! looking for that later today!

'Til then!


Friday, October 22, 2010

Today is my birthday, happy, happy birthday. Today is my birthday, happy birthday...HEY *rip* -Wooten (sp?) Basset! LOL

Today is my birthday. I'm already __ years old, but yet sometimes I feel waaaaay older. Then there are the occasional times when I wish my birthday would never come, but that I could go back to being a little girl. :D (Onfortunately that hasn't happened yet...or maybe I should say fortunately!) Today has been an exceptional day. We didn't have any kind of celebration, but I was with my family...and that is what counts! :D I had fun! I got a couple of cool present! :D 

~ Two AWESOME books on cake decorating! (If anybody wants a really cool cake...I do a really good job...I think! *wink*)

~ Really cool wide belt (I have been wanting on for like FOREVER...I even got to pick it out!! LOL) 

~ A book on photography basics (Future hobby/job...if I can master it!)

~ Then of course the really-awesome-totally-cool-size-of-my-bedroom gift my some great friends up in Canada (for some reason I almost said Africa) :

Travel size bag with all kinds accessories...LOL: shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush...etc!!! :D
Three really awesome shirts...wait...make that four!
Super cute coat...that I still haven't gotten to use. :(
Oh!...the really weird looking orange scrubbie-thing
Travel size brush
Hot face mask
Feet stuff (don't remember what it is exactly)
Um...underarm know...that stuff...ok...fine...I'll say it.... DEODORANT! (I personally think they were trying to say I stink...but...I forgive them!) LOL JK
Rubber bands (needed some really bad...just didn't want to break down and spend that much money...LOL)


I think I am actually done now! :D As you can see...I really wasn't exaggerating...toooo much! *wink* The bag was at least as big pillow??? :D Ok, so it wasn't the size of my room...but it was big! And awesome!! :D 

Anyways...thanks to everyone that sent a little card (e-cards count) or gift or call or email...or at least were THINKING about me...on my special day! I will try to return the favor! :D

'Til next time...

~Honduran Chikka

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Check it out...

For all of you that adore Ms. Charity Faith. I have something I think that you would is a little ridiculous but I think it might be fun.  Charity Faith's Life - Blog is having a fun little contest.  For the details click here. The winning picture will be emailed to all those that voted for it, FREE OF CHARGE. It will be full-size and they can do anything they want with it. :D I know that isn't the greatest prize ever, but I can't do much else. Sorry folks. Hope ya'll will participate anyways to help me out!

'Til next time


National Boss Day...

Did ya'll know that today is National Boss Day? Yep, that's right. So to my Boss...

..and, No, I wasn't pinned at the other end of this glare...achum...excuse me...I meant stare!! :D

Just kidding, Mom!! :D Love ya!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I forgot...

Sis. Townley does her hair SOOOO AWESOME!!! Right, girls??? :D I wish I had I pic...but you will just have to believe me on this one! :D You can kinda see in the two pictures that are in the other post!

Dedicated to...

I think I am going to start a new feature soon...well...technically I am starting it now!! I am going to call it "Dedicated to..." and I am would like to represent important ladies in my life. There are so many. This week's, though, is dedicated to a very special lady I met for the very first (and hopefully not the last) time in Canada last week. This week's Dedicated to is none other than:

Sis. Sharon Townley
Sis. Townley(Left) and Vanessa McKillop (right)!

She is one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met. (And I have met many sweet ladies) Unfortunately for me I wasn't able to hang out a lot with her (a little jealous of Vanessa at the moment *wink*). I do know that she is lots of fun to be around.  You don't have to be perfect for her to think you're awesome (which by the way, Sis. Townley, could get you into problems. Just thought I would throw that in! :D). She is dedicated to God and to her husband...I hope that didn't sound bad...LOL!! :D But she was just soo much fun! I love her I-don't-care-what-you-think-or-say-I'm-going-to-do-it-anyways attitude!! Keep on having that attitude!!! :D

Before closing this post I wanted to throw in one more picture of Sis. Townley! Love you bunches, Sis. Townley!!! 

I am not going to say anything about that picture!! :D

'Til next time, all my bloggie friends!!


Friday, October 1, 2010


Well...tomorrow is the day! I am soo excited ya'll...I could...I don't something!! :D Oh, need I mention that it is 9:30 my time is bordering on late and everything is starting to seem REALLY funny so... You can imagine how I am feeling!! LOL I just thought I would try to convey that feeling of so-excited-too-tired-everything-is-getting-funny to ya'll! Hope I conveyed it properly! *wink* Oh man...I am telling you I need to go to bed. No I am not a fruitcake...I just need to go to bed and TRY (notice the emphasis on the try) to sleep. I am so excited that sleep is practically IMPOSSIBLE!! But I will try anyways...cause I could definitely use it! to bed for me...  Oh, Allana, it might be a good idea to shower wouldn't want everyone to run off the plane when you stepped on board!! Oh, and might I add...we have been without water for almost 2 this doesn't really count as a is more of!! :D Oh man...OK...I am REALLY going to bed now! Got to! OR I will...have a nervous breakdown...from excitement!! :D OH MAN!! IT IS TOMORROW!! Ok...really...I am going to rinse and then to bed!! Goodnight all my bloggie friends!! Sleep well...and...oh...I was going to say something profound...but...well...I forgot what I was going to say so...   GOOD NIGHT!!!

~Honduran Chikka

Friday, September 24, 2010

It's Elderly Month!!

It's Elderly Month at Peculiar Treasures!!! It is awesome!! You really need to go check it out!! You want a laugh?? Peculiar Treasures has it for you!!! Just click here!! Oh and make sure that you leave a comment telling them what a great job they are doing making people laugh!! :D

~Honduran Chikka

Our FANTASTIC vacation!!! LOL

Hey ya'll, I got some great news!! I got some new pictures up. The link is on my homepage!!  We went on this reallly looooong vacation (it was two days long) I put some pictures up. Make sure you read all the captions! :D

It was quite the experience. First we get there and someone needs to go to the restroom and there is NO toilet paper. Ok, that is not a problem we just ask for some, right?? Wrong...toilet paper is not provided. We were like...hmmm....ok. Thank goodness we always keep a roll in the van otherwise...well I don't want to think about it!! LOL Find out they also provide the water cooler thingie, but they DON'T provide water...we're going...okaaaay. Get ready to wash some dishes and find out that although they do have nice cookie sheets, they have no kitchen towels! Then we just start looking around and under the coffee table there was a really neat looking keepsake box thingy. Mom picked it up thinking: Wow, this ought to be cool. Open it up and we found christmas trim, some crayons, a couple of balloons and some white string. Mom was like: Well, that was...ummm...INTERESTING!!!!

Well, I offered to help "make" supper...which equaled heating up leftovers from Bible School. Nathaniel offered to help me...well...actually he was kinda pressed into service (Isn't being the oldest great?? *wink* jk) So we go to soften some butter in the microwave...and....nothing happens. We can't set the time for some weird reason. Me and Nathaniel both fiddled with and nothing happened so we ended up softening the butter in the toaster oven! RFLOL Hey...whatever works. So I am heating hamburgers and notice that the stove has three small burners and one big. Not a problem, just kinda funny...until...we find out that the ONE big burner doesn't work! LOL (That must be why my hamburgers are still cold!) So right about that time Dad comes over and he says: "So the microwave isn't working, huh?" He fiddles with it a few seconds, pushes a few buttons and what do you know...he is got it running!! I was like: "WHAT??? Cool...what did you do??" He said..."Uh, I just pushed the clear time button."...and walked off. I wanted to crawl under the 10 in. cabinet/bar...but it was 10 in. wide so... Like, duh, Allana...what about the clear button. After we got all the appliances working and the pans on the right burners so that the stuff would actually heat, everything else went really well.

Not sure exactly when somebody had the idea to listen to the iPod. We have two. One is us girls and one is my parents. So we picked mine up and stuck it in. I have some great stuff in there...I even had the preaching from RIOT!! Except...there is one problem...I synced my iPod wrong and now I have only one song...and it is not really a song it is the intro to an album and it is just sounds like someone is tuning a radio to a certain station and then it gets to the right one which is supposed to lead into the album but since I don't have the rest of the album we have a slight problem. LOL So we get out Dad's which has a bunch of music some of it great some of it not so much....only one problem there too...almost all the albums are named simply: Album. The artist on almost all the albums is:  Artist (Ya'll remember him right?? :D). And as you may have guessed the songs are simply named: Track 1-Track 10...ect. So after we had randomly clicked a song we go to stick it in the iPod dock. Now we had brought ours, but they had a nice looking so you know it goes, we simply used their's. Cool...we listened to music for awhile and eventually somebody turned it off...well later that night and the next day I went to turn on music on the iPod and it wouldn't turn on. I really didn't pay attention in my brain I thought somebody must have left it on all night and it must be dead. I left it at that and went to do something else. The weird part that I didn't really realize was that it was both of the iPods. So we get home and I go to re-sync my iPod to get all my good music!! But...the iPod still won't turn on AND the computer won't even read it. Well our cord is a little...lets just say I thought it is probably just the cord. I went and got my Dad's. The iPod still won't turn on and the computer STILL won't read the iPod. Now I am realizing something. That my iPod is apparently fried...I was like Oh No!...then I remembered I can just reset problem. ...except the iPod won't I think: I wonder if Dad's is doing the same thing. So I go check it out. Same problem won't turn on and won't it seems that that NICE iPod dock they had there was actually rather faulty. LOL P.S. If anybody knows how to fix this problem PLEASE let me know!!

Now you are probably thinking: Wow, you must of had an awful vacation. NOT AT ALL...well...almost not at all! ;) There were definitely good points. Like the private pool right there on our back deck. Nice pool too. And we were only about a minutes walk from the beach. One day we walked to the beach and got to see a beautiful sunset. So there were definitely good points. 

Our vacation REALLY was great with its good AND bad points!! :D It might not have been exactly what we had in mind but...we did make memories!! :D Anyways...I hope you have enjoyed our vacation (or reading about it) as much we did!! 'Til next time...

~Honduran Chikka

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So I am getting ready to murder this "cute" (notice the quotation marks) little dog of ours. Let me explain. Me and Oreo (that is the dog's name just in case you were wondering) have this love-hate relationship. I love (could be past tense soon) her, and she hates me. It's as simple as that!! URG Oh...and let me say one thing, it is pretty bad when not even the dog likes you!! LOL

But really, I don't know what I did to that dumb (excuse my language) dog!! Like every time I walk out the door, she comes running and I get all excited and kneel down to pet her and love her and...SHE STARTS BITING ME!!!! Like...EXCUSE YOU!! She also likes to bite and pull on anybody's skirt. She ruined (almost) Sis. D's skirt this morning. yeah...I'm done now. I just had to vent. LOL

So this week is Bible School and we are cooking for all the guys so I have been extremely busy and I should probably go back and be busy again but...I had to let ya'll all know what I thought of that dog!!! Thank you to all of you who payed attention and read the whole post!! Love ya'll

~Honduran Chikka

P.S. When did I start saying so all the time?? ;)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

RIOT part 1

So where do I start? Everything about my trip was incredible! It wasn't any ONE part of my trip (even though there were many highpoints), but rather it was all those highpoints that made one incredible trip. I cannot believe all that God did for me that trip. God talked to me in a special way. Yet, it seems I have come away a little empty. It wasn't a long trip getting me down; it was church without a move of God. No, rather it was almost like I couldn't let me really allow myself to sit back and just savor His presence.

RIOT was incredible. I haven't been to many youth camps in my life, but that is one of the most incredible ones that I have been to. It isn't just the people or the spirit of God. It isn't just my UN-biased view!! :D But there is something so real, so true. There are not boy-girl conflicts (and everybody knows what I am talking about). Those moments when one boy decides that he likes this one girl and so she finds out. She decides she likes him back and WHAMO…LOTS of problems!! Through the non-existence of the problem the young people are opened up to look more for God.

What an incredible thing to watch young people who WANT to serve God.  But that is not even the best part. The best part is when you get them together and have a service. It is definitely God that makes the difference in any service, but I wholeheartedly believe that it also depends on how we seek him. It depends on what kind of heart we seek him with. To watch all these young people reach on to God and to each other in the services was…I am without words to describe it, but it was so real.

There were several young people that were struggling with different problems there in those services, and I watched how God touched them. I saw how time and time and again, different people reached out to pray for them. Sometimes it was just a laying the hand on their shoulder for a second, other times they would gather around and dance with them. If someone from the world would have walked in at any moment through the service they might have thought they were all crazy, but not so. There was just a special presence of God that moved in that place. Other times the same young people that had their different needs, would reach out and begin to pray for someone else. It seemed that within minutes God had blessed them just as much or more then the person they were praying for. Was God playing favorites? No. He was blessing them for reaching out to others in their time of need. Or better yet, he was just blessing them.

Oh, there is no way to put it words all that happened in the services. It was more than just youth camp. You can tell me I'm biased. You can try to convince me that I don't know what I am talking about. Forgive me, but you cannot tell me that you can find that just any place. Can it happen everywhere? Yes.  Does it happen everywhere? No. You can tell me what it's because of this or that, but I will tell YOU one thing. It is because they have a pastor and wife who are connected with God. It is because they have dedicated people who are trying to serve God. It's because they have a strong foundation. It's because their primary focus is Jesus Christ. That is what is missing in a lot of Pentecost today. In some places it is obvious that their focus is anywhere BUT Jesus Christ. It is sad, but you go to places like FWC and you realize that there is still a church. God still does have a people, and they are STILL moving forward!!

As you may have guessed from what you have read so far, church was definitely the highest point of all the high points. But I can't tell all of RIOT in one post so…this is the first part. Keep your hat on for the second part.  Until then…

~Honduran Chikka


Monday, September 6, 2010

Well...I am back to the crazy world of trying to keep up with my blogging while holding two jobs. Big sis, S.S. teacher, and best daughter in the world. (Oops...that is three jobs...) LOL...everybody say: RIGHT!!!! *roll eyes* Ok, so maybe it isn't that drastic but...if you know me then you know what I am talking about! :D Anyways...I want to try to get back into this.

So what all has been going on in my life since I last REALLY posted on here? Hmm....well...A LOT!!! But I will just post the important stuff and save the not-so-important stuff for days when I don't really have anything to talk about!! HAHA (I know...sweet of me, right? What can I say...I just can't help myself) So the high points:

~ Family Camp 2010

~Minister's Retreat

~Two weddings


~Prince Edwards Island


~Some new pictures


~Getting to spend time with my bestie


And finally:


As you may be able to guess...RIOT was amazing...and you will be hearing more about that...but I got to start at the top of the list so...hang in there...all that and more coming riiight up!! HAHA

~Honduran Chikka

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Well...I think I'm back!! LOL

It seems that I am coming back into the blogger world. I have soooo missed my blog!! Sometimes I would think of something to blog about, and wouldn't be able to blog it. Or I would have time...sit down...and forget what I was going to blog about. It was a little annoying! A lot happened while I was gone. Pretty much...everybody coped REALLY well without me...then decide they can't do it anymore when I get back so...its back to the grind! LOL JK I am very glad to be home. 

Soon I will post everything...ya'll will just have to give me a chance. Hopefully you will see a whole lot more of me entering into this month! 'Til then...


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hey...I forgot to mention...

That last post was my....ONE-HUNDREDTH post!!! YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! LOL...just thought I would let ya'll know!!!

~Honduran Chikka

Anne & Gilbert....I'm in love!!! :D

...with the show!!! You can calm down now...I am NOT talking about an actual person! *Wink, wink* I am talking about the Anne and Gilbert show, which was awesome! We saw it tonight and well....I am FOREVER in love! I mean seriously! You would probably have to see the show to understand, but still, it was incredible! The funnest part probably was having Tamara and Kourtnee along!! Precious little girls!! Angels sent from heaven...almost!! :D LOL Aside from a couple incidents in the car (keep the long car ride in mind) and an I-will-see-you-in-the-bathroom scene, things have gone really smoothly! But, wait,  I am supposed to be talking about the show right?? Well...I really can't tell you much if you hadn't seen it yourself! I will try to put the sound tracks and pictures (on the way up) on later! As of right now it is like 11:30 my time and I am READY for bed!! Stay up until 3-5, IN THE MORNING, before going to sleep, at "night", for weeks in a row is not a good idea...AT ALL...  I speak from personal experience!! LOL One night we stayed up until 4:45 in the morning (I kid you not) and then had to get up at 7:00!! AAAAAHHH! It was say the least! Anyways...I have lots of things that I need to say...several potential posts...but that will definitely have to wait 'til I get back home...AND rest up!!! :D Until then...

~Honduran Chikka

Monday, August 16, 2010


Heading to RIOT!! Yes!!! I am sooooooo excited! Will be riding the bus...  Anyways...until next week!! :D

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I am on my way to RIOT!!

I have made it all the way to Fairfield! Hopefully we will make to Canada later this afternoon! To say I am excited would be a great I leave THAT simply to your imagination. If you know me then you are probably imagining...I don't know what...LOL...anyways. For you up in Canada see you later!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Another little note...

...just to let ya'll know that I will be leaving for RIOT like day-after-tomorrow, so I probably won't be updating on here. After that, though, Honduranchikka is going to try to return to its before state. I miss my blogging. It is too much fun. For all of you that are reading this, have extra time, and think this is funny: Get a blog!!!! I am serious. You will never regret it unless your life goes hairwire and you really don't have time anymore but really don't want to give it up. Then you will regret becoming addicted! :D But until then you are ok so don't worry! Anyways...til probably sometime in Early Sep...


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New friend of the month

Calling all of my Canadian need to go check out the ol' trusty web. We have a new Friend of the month up and I think that ya'll will like it. Make sure and leave a comment if you do like it! Please note: this is NOT only for my Canadian is for any/everybody!! So make sure to go check it out and leave a comment!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The album - Youth, August 2010 is not functioning properly so I removed it from the web. I thought everyone ought to know!! Thanks...


New stuff on web

A couple of new albums on the web:

Dinia's baptism

Nora's baptism

Karen baptism

Youth - August 2010

Go check them out....lots of new pictures!!

~Honduran Chikka

Monday, August 2, 2010

They that wait...

How many times do we become impatient in waiting on a promise to be fulfilled. We pray for something, we know that God has promised it to us. We become excited and everyday open our eyes looking around for our miracle, then when we don't see it within the time limit that we have set we become discouraged. "Wait, God, I thought you promised me that you would do that miracle? Where is my answer to prayer?" So we put our miracle on the back burner, we forget about God's promise. Realistically, we stop believing in what God promises us.

For almost a year now, I have been the Sunday School teacher for our class. I love each and every one of the kids. I have cried and prayed for them and pleaded for their souls. Yet, it seems like all the praying is in vain. Nothing really happens. The kids comes and go, and seems like the only thing they take with them is the candy. The lesson seems to go in one ear and out the other. We pray...well I pray at the end of class..all the kids are doing are fighting. I have had to stop in the middle of the prayer and quietly get on to them and then try to keep on going. 

But last Sunday God reminded me one more time that he still has big plans for that Sunday School class. One of the girls that is more on the shy side, doesn't normally really speak up in class, with her face to the wall at Camp,begun to speak in other tongues!!!!!!!! The bad news is I wasn't there to witness it! The good news is somebody was brainy enough to invent the camera!! So I got pics!! Then yesterday she was baptized in the name of Jesus and I was there to witness that!! Hallelujah! God is good!!  I just found out that I don't have pics of her getting the Holy Ghost. :( But I do have some of her getting baptized!

So, sometime we just have to wait on what God wants. We don't see or understand why he doesn't hurry up, but we know that he has everything under control.  will find that when you wait upon his timing, everything will work out BETTER than you had hoped! So that is my thought for the day! Oh, and hopefully this signals my return to Bloglandia!!! :D


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New stuff on web

Ok guys, so I want to apologize for what a bad job I have been doing with keeping up with everything (blog and web). Things should get way better toward the end of August entering into September so be ready for new things! Speaking of new thing we got:

Some new pics on the web:
Check under-Wanda's Wedding

A new page has been opened:
Go check out-Honduran Chikka's friend-of-the-week!

New poll:
Left side of all the pages

Exciting stuff going on!! Make sure to leave a comment in the Guest book, or on here!

~Honduran Chikka

Friday, July 9, 2010

Honduran Chikka has got a new look!

Exciting news! Honduran Chikka has got a new look. So much fun on here and this just isn't enough so...GUESS WHAT?? We are moving on to bigger things! A whole website!! I are thinking...TOTALLY-INCREDIBLY-AWESOME!!! That is what I think! ;)

Anyways: Here's a link:  Make sure you leave a comment on my guestbook.

~Honduran Chikka

Sunday, July 4, 2010


I AM HEADED TO RIOT!!!! THIS YEAR!!! IN AUGUST! I AM SOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED! GOODNESS YA'LL CAN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND!!!!!! oh let me finish that sentence...YA'LL CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE...HOW EXCITED I AM!! To all my Canadian friends/followers...can't wait to see ya'll! Make sure to let me know that you read my blog...PLEASE!!! 

I guess that is all,
Honduran Chikka

P.S. Awesome church tonight! Miss ya, Geron! (Sorry to rest of ya'll)

Deena Walker

This post is long overdo. I have decided that my next "friend-post" will be about a very good friend of mine! She is a very talented, good friend of mine (Oh, I mentioned that already didn't I?), she is just fun to be around!! So to my good friend...

Deena Walker
I couldn't find words to explain or describe what a friend you have been to me! So just decided to skip all the fancy words and just let you know that I really appreciate you! Now for the pictures...*rubs hands*...

I decided NOT to comment on the pics... I won't. 

Hmm... :D

~Honduran Chikka

Country songs are dangerous!! ;)

LOL...ok so I had one of those "moments" the other day. You know those moments when you are just randomly talking, singing or doing whatever and actually REALIZE what you are doing and go: WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I DOING/SAYING?

So this has happened before, but I hadn't blogged about it before. The other day I was singing this song and all the sudden I realized what I was saying. You know that song, "A country song in reverse"...if you do you are probably going...uh-oh... Yep!!

The chorus goes:

You can play my ol' record backwards,
And it won't take long to see,

Yep, well only the last part of the song was sticking in my head. I kept singing it over and over, and I really didn't think anything about it...UNTIL, I was helping Dad with breakfast or something...and I sang it! Well the moment I said it, we BOTH realized what it SOUNDED like!! So Dad just started laughing, and I did too! If some guy is singing it sounds great, but some girl singing it sounds like get the picture!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Dee Henderson


Another random post from the Honduran Chikka!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So long...

So man…it has been too long. I have been extremely busy. I know, I know…that is no excuse, but that's all I got for right now.  Anyways, I definitely have been busy. We changed themes in Sunday School not too long ago, so that was lots of work: decorations, training, and lots and lots of practice. Not too long ago God, through nothing short of a miracle, has opened the door to finish the house. So Dad has begun to start the work on the house again, that has taken a little bit of work (although definitely not on my part). This weekend we have a minister's retreat. Next weekend we (my family), will be heading off for a friend's wedding. We will be gone all weekend. Then Family Camp is the end of the month, so we will be starting on the planning for that soon.  

Realistically I love all the excitement, but that definitely doesn't allow for much blogging or other such things.  (Side note: I am listening to Dee Henderson while trying to write this so…it may be a little scatterbrained.) I love the chaos of trying to make sure that all details have been thought and taken care of. It is my favorite part of camp, although it drives some people crazy. Anyways…if ya'll don't hear from me again for awhile…you know why.

~Honduran Chikka


Monday, June 28, 2010

Olanchito's Dedication Service

Hey you guys I am finally back. So I know that I was going on and on about how I was going to post soon and just REALLY going to post soon, and I was...til I got myself grounded! OOPs! Yeah we are not going to talk about that. Anyways. I was going to post about the dedication of the temple in Olanchito which is about 2 1/2 hours away from here. Then I went and got myself grounded and...oh yeah...we aren't talking about that! So I will just post pics because I don't have the time to write now! So at least the pics! 

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hey ya'll, I have been noticing a total lack on my blog. Of what? Posts. I have totally slacked off! I am not even sure why. I have the time (mostly) I enjoy what is my problem. I have really been MISSING this blog. Throughout my day I  keep thinking of things to blog about but I don't (or a lot of times can't) sit down and write it and I will forget. I sit down and try to remember but...for the life of me can't! It is really aggravating. So I am going to try to start posting frequently again.

I also wanted to say that I really wish that my non-follower followers, the ones of you that don't want to actually admit you are following me by clicking: FOLLOW, don't be afraid to leave a comment. I know there are probably close to one hundred people that follow me unofficially, and it is like ya'll don't think you can post because you are not a member. Well that is a bunch of balogne and ya'll really NEED to comment (especially those of you that are like FAMILY! ACHUM). Anyways...I will be posting a real post soon so keep checking back.

Motto: Don't be afraid to click the FOLLOW button. ;)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Honduran Chikka is getting a change!

Hey, ya'll! So I know that it has been forever since I blogged. Even I have missed it. I really wish that  I could have posted a little more. Anyways. I think it is time for a new Honduran Chikka. I am debating just how to go about it, but don't doubt it, Honduran Chikka is getting a new look!

Anyways, keep tuning in!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday School kids!

You gotta love S.S. kids!!! I mean I am just IN LOVE!!! So this morning things were going kinda slow, and it came to testimony time and nobody wanted to get up. Finally a little girl that is about 2-3 stood up. Now she is so short that you kinda can't even see her when she stands up behind the other pews, so I wasn't sure if she wanted to testify.

I asked her, "Do you want to testify?"


"Ok, go ahead"

"I am thankful that God made me so pretty" Ka-plunk went her bottom as she sat back down. She just look so proud of herself, because she had testified! I was proud too, but more than that I was laughing!! Like if I could have, I would have been, rolling-on-the-floors-laughing-out-loud!!!! It was just too cute! I have to say one more time that I LOVE KIDS!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Four days!

ONLY FOUR DAYS!!! YEAH!!! Only four days until life will return to sanity a.k.a. Mom will get back! I am very excited! Baby Charity will be back too!! OH YEAH, BABY!!! ;) (So I am definitely not real life!)

Anyways....only four days!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Heather Sherrill

I have made lots of new friends lately and you were among the many that I made! I would have to say that it is definitely a good addition! Anyways...

Heather is one of my great friends that has stuck with me (since I have known her) through many a baby-sitting days!!! (Oh, wait, you actually deserted me and went off to "work" during that experience, huh?)  JK I loved doing that (even if it was without you!! ;) ). But I do have to say that she is an awesome person, and I am glad to call her my friend!! So to you, Heather (She is going to kill me!! Oh, wait...she can't because I am in Honduras!! HAHAHAHA):

I know that your hair might not have looked
as great as you wanted it to, but I didn't have 
any other pics of you!

I love this pic... but I have no idea what you were doing! :D

Better??? ;)

Love YA, gurl!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


There is something special about knowing that you are capable. Now, you are probably thinking: What in the world is she talking about?? I know you are thinking it so just admit it...  *wink* But, really...  I mean it has been in my head all of today, almost like a song.

I leave the last of the dishes in the sink as I walk out the back door into the laundry room. I take the wet clothes out of the washer and place them in a basket, ready for transport to the backyard. I carry them back to the backyard and begin to hang them on the line. When I am done I walk back to the laundry thinking of what I will make for supper. I am already thinking what kind of meat I need to get out and...*sticks out tongue* to marinate it...I guess that will be another call to Mom. In the middle of this a couple of the kids start fighting and I take care of that. Then I make lunch, and we all go on a walk. All this time in my head repeating itself over and over is three little words: I AM CAPABLE. I think back over the years. Could I have done this three years ago, or even two? Could I even have done this last year? I don't think so. But somewhere along the way I have matured and THIS year...say it with me ;)...I AM CAPABLE. It is quite a change that has amazed even me! I AM CAPABLE...

I AM CAPABLE of getting up each morning to make breakfast.
I AM CAPABLE of washing the dishes.
I AM CAPABLE of cleaning the house.
I AM CAPABLE of helping the kids with their chores and school.
I AM CAPABLE of washing clothes and hanging them on the line.
I AM CAPABLE of making three meals a day, and controlling snacks in between.
I AM CAPABLE of getting everybody ready for church.
I AM CAPABLE of making sure that they behave in church...
I AM CAPABLE of...etc.

Most importantly, Max Lucado said: You cannot be anything you want to be. But you can be everything God wants you to be. Wow, that is most important. I AM CAPABLE of being exactly who GOD wants me to be! In that I am content, because I know that I REALLY am CAPABLE!