Friday, September 24, 2010

Our FANTASTIC vacation!!! LOL

Hey ya'll, I got some great news!! I got some new pictures up. The link is on my homepage!!  We went on this reallly looooong vacation (it was two days long) I put some pictures up. Make sure you read all the captions! :D

It was quite the experience. First we get there and someone needs to go to the restroom and there is NO toilet paper. Ok, that is not a problem we just ask for some, right?? Wrong...toilet paper is not provided. We were like...hmmm....ok. Thank goodness we always keep a roll in the van otherwise...well I don't want to think about it!! LOL Find out they also provide the water cooler thingie, but they DON'T provide water...we're going...okaaaay. Get ready to wash some dishes and find out that although they do have nice cookie sheets, they have no kitchen towels! Then we just start looking around and under the coffee table there was a really neat looking keepsake box thingy. Mom picked it up thinking: Wow, this ought to be cool. Open it up and we found christmas trim, some crayons, a couple of balloons and some white string. Mom was like: Well, that was...ummm...INTERESTING!!!!

Well, I offered to help "make" supper...which equaled heating up leftovers from Bible School. Nathaniel offered to help me...well...actually he was kinda pressed into service (Isn't being the oldest great?? *wink* jk) So we go to soften some butter in the microwave...and....nothing happens. We can't set the time for some weird reason. Me and Nathaniel both fiddled with and nothing happened so we ended up softening the butter in the toaster oven! RFLOL Hey...whatever works. So I am heating hamburgers and notice that the stove has three small burners and one big. Not a problem, just kinda funny...until...we find out that the ONE big burner doesn't work! LOL (That must be why my hamburgers are still cold!) So right about that time Dad comes over and he says: "So the microwave isn't working, huh?" He fiddles with it a few seconds, pushes a few buttons and what do you know...he is got it running!! I was like: "WHAT??? Cool...what did you do??" He said..."Uh, I just pushed the clear time button."...and walked off. I wanted to crawl under the 10 in. cabinet/bar...but it was 10 in. wide so... Like, duh, Allana...what about the clear button. After we got all the appliances working and the pans on the right burners so that the stuff would actually heat, everything else went really well.

Not sure exactly when somebody had the idea to listen to the iPod. We have two. One is us girls and one is my parents. So we picked mine up and stuck it in. I have some great stuff in there...I even had the preaching from RIOT!! Except...there is one problem...I synced my iPod wrong and now I have only one song...and it is not really a song it is the intro to an album and it is just sounds like someone is tuning a radio to a certain station and then it gets to the right one which is supposed to lead into the album but since I don't have the rest of the album we have a slight problem. LOL So we get out Dad's which has a bunch of music some of it great some of it not so much....only one problem there too...almost all the albums are named simply: Album. The artist on almost all the albums is:  Artist (Ya'll remember him right?? :D). And as you may have guessed the songs are simply named: Track 1-Track 10...ect. So after we had randomly clicked a song we go to stick it in the iPod dock. Now we had brought ours, but they had a nice looking so you know it goes, we simply used their's. Cool...we listened to music for awhile and eventually somebody turned it off...well later that night and the next day I went to turn on music on the iPod and it wouldn't turn on. I really didn't pay attention in my brain I thought somebody must have left it on all night and it must be dead. I left it at that and went to do something else. The weird part that I didn't really realize was that it was both of the iPods. So we get home and I go to re-sync my iPod to get all my good music!! But...the iPod still won't turn on AND the computer won't even read it. Well our cord is a little...lets just say I thought it is probably just the cord. I went and got my Dad's. The iPod still won't turn on and the computer STILL won't read the iPod. Now I am realizing something. That my iPod is apparently fried...I was like Oh No!...then I remembered I can just reset problem. ...except the iPod won't I think: I wonder if Dad's is doing the same thing. So I go check it out. Same problem won't turn on and won't it seems that that NICE iPod dock they had there was actually rather faulty. LOL P.S. If anybody knows how to fix this problem PLEASE let me know!!

Now you are probably thinking: Wow, you must of had an awful vacation. NOT AT ALL...well...almost not at all! ;) There were definitely good points. Like the private pool right there on our back deck. Nice pool too. And we were only about a minutes walk from the beach. One day we walked to the beach and got to see a beautiful sunset. So there were definitely good points. 

Our vacation REALLY was great with its good AND bad points!! :D It might not have been exactly what we had in mind but...we did make memories!! :D Anyways...I hope you have enjoyed our vacation (or reading about it) as much we did!! 'Til next time...

~Honduran Chikka

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