Monday, June 28, 2010

Olanchito's Dedication Service

Hey you guys I am finally back. So I know that I was going on and on about how I was going to post soon and just REALLY going to post soon, and I was...til I got myself grounded! OOPs! Yeah we are not going to talk about that. Anyways. I was going to post about the dedication of the temple in Olanchito which is about 2 1/2 hours away from here. Then I went and got myself grounded and...oh yeah...we aren't talking about that! So I will just post pics because I don't have the time to write now! So at least the pics! 

1 comment:

Becca Foster said...

This is awesome! Thank the Lord for the work he is doing in Honduras. I remember having church in Bro. Adan's first house with about 15 people. Thank you Jesus!