Friday, October 22, 2010

Today is my birthday, happy, happy birthday. Today is my birthday, happy birthday...HEY *rip* -Wooten (sp?) Basset! LOL

Today is my birthday. I'm already __ years old, but yet sometimes I feel waaaaay older. Then there are the occasional times when I wish my birthday would never come, but that I could go back to being a little girl. :D (Onfortunately that hasn't happened yet...or maybe I should say fortunately!) Today has been an exceptional day. We didn't have any kind of celebration, but I was with my family...and that is what counts! :D I had fun! I got a couple of cool present! :D 

~ Two AWESOME books on cake decorating! (If anybody wants a really cool cake...I do a really good job...I think! *wink*)

~ Really cool wide belt (I have been wanting on for like FOREVER...I even got to pick it out!! LOL) 

~ A book on photography basics (Future hobby/job...if I can master it!)

~ Then of course the really-awesome-totally-cool-size-of-my-bedroom gift my some great friends up in Canada (for some reason I almost said Africa) :

Travel size bag with all kinds accessories...LOL: shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush...etc!!! :D
Three really awesome shirts...wait...make that four!
Super cute coat...that I still haven't gotten to use. :(
Oh!...the really weird looking orange scrubbie-thing
Travel size brush
Hot face mask
Feet stuff (don't remember what it is exactly)
Um...underarm know...that stuff...ok...fine...I'll say it.... DEODORANT! (I personally think they were trying to say I stink...but...I forgive them!) LOL JK
Rubber bands (needed some really bad...just didn't want to break down and spend that much money...LOL)


I think I am actually done now! :D As you can see...I really wasn't exaggerating...toooo much! *wink* The bag was at least as big pillow??? :D Ok, so it wasn't the size of my room...but it was big! And awesome!! :D 

Anyways...thanks to everyone that sent a little card (e-cards count) or gift or call or email...or at least were THINKING about me...on my special day! I will try to return the favor! :D

'Til next time...

~Honduran Chikka


Anonymous said...

Glad u had a good bday! I left you a little note on your Mom's facebook too, and I think a couple of other people did too, in case u didn't see!=) Miss ya...

Mariah said...

Happy 7th! Have a good one!