Friday, January 7, 2011

Three blonde guys!

Three blonde guys were stranded on one side of a wide river and didn't know how to get across. The first blonde guy prayed to God to make him smart enough to think of a way to cross the river. God turned him into a brunette man, and he swam across. The second blonde guy prayed to God to make him even smarter, so he could think of a better way to cross the river. God turned him into a red-headed man, so he built a boat and rowed across. The third blonde guy, seeing how the other two crossed, prayed to God to make him the smartest of all. So God turned him into a woman. She studied the map, hiked up stream a couple of miles, and then walked across the bridge.


See...I told ya'll girls were smarter! :D 



Meagan Rowell said...

Hahahahaha that's so funny!!! LOL

Danae said...


Mariah B said...

Your are CRAZY! But I still love ya! BTW, check out the sunglasses sale on ebay! Lol...what a steal!