Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm here!!

I made it to Florida safely with my Dad (and that's saying something)! I have enjoyed my time so far. It WAS a little awkward last night because I didn't really know anybody best friend will be here today so I THINK I can make it!!! (Of course having Vanessa here could be as bad or worse than NOT having her here.) LOL *Vanessa that was a joke! Calm down. Go find somewhere to blow of some steam!!
PLEASE!*  Sorry about that!! I was saying...I have had a great time so far and there really is only one problem on the horizon....I seem to have a couple of "secret" admirers!! Ahh...So annoying!! So I will try to keep you posted!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Florida here I come!!!

I am at the airport...ready to fly out tommorrow!! I am VERY excited you guys! I will try to keep you updated about this trip, my mom (for those of you that know), and of course...MY NEW BIG BRO!!! LOL *inside joke* anyways...!!! Just stay in touch!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Follow up on last post!

He's on Facebook ya'll!!! (This is a follow up on my last post.)

Saturday, January 23, 2010


MY NEW BIG BROTHER!!! That's right we have adopted a 20 yr old boy into the family. And to say the least we are all...umm...adjusting?? (I am not even sure that's the right word...but...) It is a big adjustment. Totally different than having a newborn baby in the house (Oh, and that's coming up too! LOL) In trying to describe him, or give you a mental picture of him...I find myself at a loss for words. (Not that is annoying, imature *wink wink*, or...ok...WHO AM I KIDDING, but...) In trying to find something good to say about him I guess THAT is where my words run out! LOL But I will try:

As Nathaniel would say: "Tall, handsome, muscular."  *raises eyebrow* That might describe the OUTSIDE...  :D all far...though I hate to admit it...and its going to be hard to say...but...actually...he hasn't been that bad. There I said it...its over...that really wasn't that bad, huh Allana?? Well... 

But I wanted ya'll to understand why I was originally at a loss for words...SO I included a couple of pictures. Ya'll let me know what you think! Make sure and leave a comment!

What do you think????

P.S.  MOST of what I said was a joke :D...MOST!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Uh...I'm back!!! ;)

Hey you guys! I apologize sincerely for the lack of blogging. I have been very busy (even though I that is not an excuse). I think I haven't posted since LAST YEAR!! (Which really wasn't too far back...but...) So I thought I would post a little note today and tell you not to give up because new posts are coming soon. Don't worry!! Some upcoming posts are:

Christmas pics (I know...that's a little old now...)
Youth Retreat details
My new brother (Adopted of course)
and more...

So stay in tune for the latest and I will try to catch everybody up.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request!

Please be in prayer for one of our assistent pastors and his family: Bro.& Sis. Guevara. Because of very ugly circumstances both her gandmother and father died in the last 42 hours. Urgent prayer is needed for their safety and comfort for her family. We appreciate all your prayers and support! God bless!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy 2010!!!

Ok ya'll! I know that I've not been very faithful to my bloggin' but it WAS the Holidays. That is no excuse of course...and I am going to try to pick it up.

I did want wish everybody a HAPPY NEW YEAR! I can't believe we are already in 2010! I think that 2009 was one of the fastest years, or maybe I should say THE fastest year, of my life. And it is probably been one of the most incredible for me! Soooooo many things have happened that have left me with my mouth wide open. I guess I really have all of this to blame on God so: THANK YOU JESUS FOR YOUR LOVING KINDNESS!!!

Hope that everyone is doing well and that I hear from you soon! God Bless and

Happy New Year!!!