Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ok, I really need to work on this blogging thing! *wink* This is not going at all well. I meant to post lots last week and...ooops...wouldn't you know I either forgot or didn't have the time. Well....    I am not going to make a really great blog but not having time! :D Anways...I didn't post last weeks "Dedicated to..." so I wanted to do well as post THIS weeks! OH is going to be a full day! :D I am going to post TWO posts...that's pretty good! looking for that later today!

'Til then!


Friday, October 22, 2010

Today is my birthday, happy, happy birthday. Today is my birthday, happy birthday...HEY *rip* -Wooten (sp?) Basset! LOL

Today is my birthday. I'm already __ years old, but yet sometimes I feel waaaaay older. Then there are the occasional times when I wish my birthday would never come, but that I could go back to being a little girl. :D (Onfortunately that hasn't happened yet...or maybe I should say fortunately!) Today has been an exceptional day. We didn't have any kind of celebration, but I was with my family...and that is what counts! :D I had fun! I got a couple of cool present! :D 

~ Two AWESOME books on cake decorating! (If anybody wants a really cool cake...I do a really good job...I think! *wink*)

~ Really cool wide belt (I have been wanting on for like FOREVER...I even got to pick it out!! LOL) 

~ A book on photography basics (Future hobby/job...if I can master it!)

~ Then of course the really-awesome-totally-cool-size-of-my-bedroom gift my some great friends up in Canada (for some reason I almost said Africa) :

Travel size bag with all kinds accessories...LOL: shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush...etc!!! :D
Three really awesome shirts...wait...make that four!
Super cute coat...that I still haven't gotten to use. :(
Oh!...the really weird looking orange scrubbie-thing
Travel size brush
Hot face mask
Feet stuff (don't remember what it is exactly)
Um...underarm know...that stuff...ok...fine...I'll say it.... DEODORANT! (I personally think they were trying to say I stink...but...I forgive them!) LOL JK
Rubber bands (needed some really bad...just didn't want to break down and spend that much money...LOL)


I think I am actually done now! :D As you can see...I really wasn't exaggerating...toooo much! *wink* The bag was at least as big pillow??? :D Ok, so it wasn't the size of my room...but it was big! And awesome!! :D 

Anyways...thanks to everyone that sent a little card (e-cards count) or gift or call or email...or at least were THINKING about me...on my special day! I will try to return the favor! :D

'Til next time...

~Honduran Chikka

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Check it out...

For all of you that adore Ms. Charity Faith. I have something I think that you would is a little ridiculous but I think it might be fun.  Charity Faith's Life - Blog is having a fun little contest.  For the details click here. The winning picture will be emailed to all those that voted for it, FREE OF CHARGE. It will be full-size and they can do anything they want with it. :D I know that isn't the greatest prize ever, but I can't do much else. Sorry folks. Hope ya'll will participate anyways to help me out!

'Til next time


National Boss Day...

Did ya'll know that today is National Boss Day? Yep, that's right. So to my Boss...

..and, No, I wasn't pinned at the other end of this glare...achum...excuse me...I meant stare!! :D

Just kidding, Mom!! :D Love ya!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I forgot...

Sis. Townley does her hair SOOOO AWESOME!!! Right, girls??? :D I wish I had I pic...but you will just have to believe me on this one! :D You can kinda see in the two pictures that are in the other post!

Dedicated to...

I think I am going to start a new feature soon...well...technically I am starting it now!! I am going to call it "Dedicated to..." and I am would like to represent important ladies in my life. There are so many. This week's, though, is dedicated to a very special lady I met for the very first (and hopefully not the last) time in Canada last week. This week's Dedicated to is none other than:

Sis. Sharon Townley
Sis. Townley(Left) and Vanessa McKillop (right)!

She is one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met. (And I have met many sweet ladies) Unfortunately for me I wasn't able to hang out a lot with her (a little jealous of Vanessa at the moment *wink*). I do know that she is lots of fun to be around.  You don't have to be perfect for her to think you're awesome (which by the way, Sis. Townley, could get you into problems. Just thought I would throw that in! :D). She is dedicated to God and to her husband...I hope that didn't sound bad...LOL!! :D But she was just soo much fun! I love her I-don't-care-what-you-think-or-say-I'm-going-to-do-it-anyways attitude!! Keep on having that attitude!!! :D

Before closing this post I wanted to throw in one more picture of Sis. Townley! Love you bunches, Sis. Townley!!! 

I am not going to say anything about that picture!! :D

'Til next time, all my bloggie friends!!


Friday, October 1, 2010


Well...tomorrow is the day! I am soo excited ya'll...I could...I don't something!! :D Oh, need I mention that it is 9:30 my time is bordering on late and everything is starting to seem REALLY funny so... You can imagine how I am feeling!! LOL I just thought I would try to convey that feeling of so-excited-too-tired-everything-is-getting-funny to ya'll! Hope I conveyed it properly! *wink* Oh man...I am telling you I need to go to bed. No I am not a fruitcake...I just need to go to bed and TRY (notice the emphasis on the try) to sleep. I am so excited that sleep is practically IMPOSSIBLE!! But I will try anyways...cause I could definitely use it! to bed for me...  Oh, Allana, it might be a good idea to shower wouldn't want everyone to run off the plane when you stepped on board!! Oh, and might I add...we have been without water for almost 2 this doesn't really count as a is more of!! :D Oh man...OK...I am REALLY going to bed now! Got to! OR I will...have a nervous breakdown...from excitement!! :D OH MAN!! IT IS TOMORROW!! Ok...really...I am going to rinse and then to bed!! Goodnight all my bloggie friends!! Sleep well...and...oh...I was going to say something profound...but...well...I forgot what I was going to say so...   GOOD NIGHT!!!

~Honduran Chikka