Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So long...

So man…it has been too long. I have been extremely busy. I know, I know…that is no excuse, but that's all I got for right now.  Anyways, I definitely have been busy. We changed themes in Sunday School not too long ago, so that was lots of work: decorations, training, and lots and lots of practice. Not too long ago God, through nothing short of a miracle, has opened the door to finish the house. So Dad has begun to start the work on the house again, that has taken a little bit of work (although definitely not on my part). This weekend we have a minister's retreat. Next weekend we (my family), will be heading off for a friend's wedding. We will be gone all weekend. Then Family Camp is the end of the month, so we will be starting on the planning for that soon.  

Realistically I love all the excitement, but that definitely doesn't allow for much blogging or other such things.  (Side note: I am listening to Dee Henderson while trying to write this so…it may be a little scatterbrained.) I love the chaos of trying to make sure that all details have been thought and taken care of. It is my favorite part of camp, although it drives some people crazy. Anyways…if ya'll don't hear from me again for awhile…you know why.

~Honduran Chikka


Monday, June 28, 2010

Olanchito's Dedication Service

Hey you guys I am finally back. So I know that I was going on and on about how I was going to post soon and just REALLY going to post soon, and I was...til I got myself grounded! OOPs! Yeah we are not going to talk about that. Anyways. I was going to post about the dedication of the temple in Olanchito which is about 2 1/2 hours away from here. Then I went and got myself grounded and...oh yeah...we aren't talking about that! So I will just post pics because I don't have the time to write now! So at least the pics! 

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hey ya'll, I have been noticing a total lack on my blog. Of what? Posts. I have totally slacked off! I am not even sure why. I have the time (mostly) I enjoy it...so what is my problem. I have really been MISSING this blog. Throughout my day I  keep thinking of things to blog about but I don't (or a lot of times can't) sit down and write it and I will forget. I sit down and try to remember but...for the life of me can't! It is really aggravating. So I am going to try to start posting frequently again.

I also wanted to say that I really wish that my non-follower followers, the ones of you that don't want to actually admit you are following me by clicking: FOLLOW, don't be afraid to leave a comment. I know there are probably close to one hundred people that follow me unofficially, and it is like ya'll don't think you can post because you are not a member. Well that is a bunch of balogne and ya'll really NEED to comment (especially those of you that are like FAMILY! ACHUM). Anyways...I will be posting a real post soon so keep checking back.

Motto: Don't be afraid to click the FOLLOW button. ;)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Honduran Chikka is getting a change!

Hey, ya'll! So I know that it has been forever since I blogged. Even I have missed it. I really wish that  I could have posted a little more. Anyways. I think it is time for a new Honduran Chikka. I am debating just how to go about it, but don't doubt it, Honduran Chikka is getting a new look!

Anyways, keep tuning in!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday School kids!

You gotta love S.S. kids!!! I mean I am just IN LOVE!!! So this morning things were going kinda slow, and it came to testimony time and nobody wanted to get up. Finally a little girl that is about 2-3 stood up. Now she is so short that you kinda can't even see her when she stands up behind the other pews, so I wasn't sure if she wanted to testify.

I asked her, "Do you want to testify?"


"Ok, go ahead"

"I am thankful that God made me so pretty" Ka-plunk went her bottom as she sat back down. She just look so proud of herself, because she had testified! I was proud too, but more than that I was laughing!! Like if I could have, I would have been, rolling-on-the-floors-laughing-out-loud!!!! It was just too cute! I have to say one more time that I LOVE KIDS!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Four days!

ONLY FOUR DAYS!!! YEAH!!! Only four days until life will return to sanity a.k.a. Mom will get back! I am very excited! Baby Charity will be back too!! OH YEAH, BABY!!! ;) (So I am definitely not that...um....whatever...in real life!)

Anyways....only four days!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Heather Sherrill

I have made lots of new friends lately and you were among the many that I made! I would have to say that it is definitely a good addition! Anyways...

Heather is one of my great friends that has stuck with me (since I have known her) through many a baby-sitting days!!! (Oh, wait, you actually deserted me and went off to "work" during that experience, huh?)  JK I loved doing that (even if it was without you!! ;) ). But I do have to say that she is an awesome person, and I am glad to call her my friend!! So to you, Heather (She is going to kill me!! Oh, wait...she can't because I am in Honduras!! HAHAHAHA):

I know that your hair might not have looked
as great as you wanted it to, but I didn't have 
any other pics of you!

I love this pic... but I have no idea what you were doing! :D

Better??? ;)

Love YA, gurl!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


There is something special about knowing that you are capable. Now, you are probably thinking: What in the world is she talking about?? I know you are thinking it so just admit it...  *wink* But, really...  I mean it has been in my head all of today, almost like a song.

I leave the last of the dishes in the sink as I walk out the back door into the laundry room. I take the wet clothes out of the washer and place them in a basket, ready for transport to the backyard. I carry them back to the backyard and begin to hang them on the line. When I am done I walk back to the laundry thinking of what I will make for supper. I am already thinking what kind of meat I need to get out and...*sticks out tongue*....how to marinate it...I guess that will be another call to Mom. In the middle of this a couple of the kids start fighting and I take care of that. Then I make lunch, and we all go on a walk. All this time in my head repeating itself over and over is three little words: I AM CAPABLE. I think back over the years. Could I have done this three years ago, or even two? Could I even have done this last year? I don't think so. But somewhere along the way I have matured and THIS year...say it with me ;)...I AM CAPABLE. It is quite a change that has amazed even me! I AM CAPABLE...

I AM CAPABLE of getting up each morning to make breakfast.
I AM CAPABLE of washing the dishes.
I AM CAPABLE of cleaning the house.
I AM CAPABLE of helping the kids with their chores and school.
I AM CAPABLE of washing clothes and hanging them on the line.
I AM CAPABLE of making three meals a day, and controlling snacks in between.
I AM CAPABLE of getting everybody ready for church.
I AM CAPABLE of making sure that they behave in church...
I AM CAPABLE of...etc.

Most importantly, Max Lucado said: You cannot be anything you want to be. But you can be everything God wants you to be. Wow, that is most important. I AM CAPABLE of being exactly who GOD wants me to be! In that I am content, because I know that I REALLY am CAPABLE!