Be the kind of women that when your feet hit the floor, the devil says: oh NO, she's up. ~Cara
Friday, March 26, 2010
"Squaring off" the house!!! HAHA
It started out good...he put the main stick down, and told me to butt the tape measure up against the post. I did! Dad put down that stake and we repeated this process to two other times and now had three stake up. Dad decided he would re-measure everything to make sure we had it right so far. LOL This was when the fun began!!! We started to re-measure...and the first one went ok. The second had to be moved but only 1/4 of an inch. LOL By the time we got to the 3rd stake it seemed like we were like 4 inches off. We repeated THIS process several times, and much to my amusement Dad started muttering to himself. He would mutter something and then he would say to me...ok go back to this other stake and will measure __________. So I would go back and he would mutter some more....then he would move the stake a little...double check it and say...ok come back over to this one. He would measure that one and then he would have to move IT a little bit. Then he had me got back to the first one and repeat the process...all the while muttering!!! IT was TOOOO funny! Finally he said, "Man, these stakes seem to be moving themselves", then he got up and went and shoveled sand!! It was sooooo funny! So in the end ...we did...nothing...haha...but it was sure funny doing it! Hopefully it will a little better today...he has some men helping that know how to construct house....or at least "square it off"!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Dad's surprise birthday Tocoa!
Family pics!! *covers eyes*
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Savor the moments...
What about you? How many times do you let the cares of this world, or things like to-do lists and schedules, take up the time that we should be spending with God? We try to uselessly to savor moments of temporary happiness. We grab at moments is time when we feel good, and try to treasure those as lasting memories, but there is only one place where you can find true happiness. There is only one place where true happiness is achieved. It' the presence of the Lord! Stop, take a moment, and just ENJOY God!!
Well...that is my important statement for the day! LOL Most of ya'll probably didn't even understand. But at least try...
Saturday, March 20, 2010
What does normal mean…because it seems that is what my life is going BACK to! LOL I am not even sure what I am saying… No, I am sure...I am just not sure how to say it! It has been a long time since our life has been "normal" (or according to my Mom: Without visitors :D). What was "abnormal" has become normal in my life… Now everybody is gone and life has returned to "normality". Yet, as I sit here and reflect I realize I miss "abnormal", because it has become the standard. What once was a burden and drudgery has now become day-to-day! (Don't get me wrong, I love visitors! Our whole family does.) I have learned a lot in these last couple of months. While Mom has been on bedrest and I have been trying to keep the world from falling apart (literally), I have learned some life lessons that I will never forget. Below are some of the things that I learned:
1. 1. Don't give up on God!
2. 2. Your road may seem long, and like it is never going to end. But…God will work it out. One day it will be over, and you will be left bored because of the lack of activity in your life (like me ;D).
3. 3. Life's problems aren't as big as they look and can be mastered with patience.
4. 4. Oh and last but most definitely NOT LEAST…don't ever take in 20 year old boys…especially when your Mom is on bed rest and YOU are TRYING to keep things under control.
Friday, March 19, 2010
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Saturday, March 13, 2010
Becoming a girl again...
Well I am actually ALWAYS a girl....because I am DEFINITELY a boy! But I am became a LITTLE girl again yesterday! I decided since the kids were getting a little antsy and it was REALLY hot, and since I didn't have anything I really needed to be doing (Besides translating my lesson for tomorrow)...that we would set up a "water park" for the kids. (We being me and my friend that lives across the street.) We were going to do it across the street at her house. (Since they have this ginormous patio), we were starting to set up when for reasons I can't go into...their maid (and I don't say that disrespectfully) decided that she didn't want us making a mess. So after a looooong drawn out ordeal (which included calling her Mom) we moved to our muddy, small backyard. We took a tarp, and dishsoap and...well the rest I will leave to your imagination. (Just don't forget the mud :D)
Getting to know our neighbors.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Update on the WW III
Girls to guys:
Rubbing butter on their deodorant
Spraying Kaniel's toothbrush with hairspray (six times)
Sewing pockets and sleeves
Planned but foiled:
Freezing marbles and putting them in their bed
Cutting their toenails for a going away card (inside joke, right Kaniel?)
Boys to girls:
Spreading butter from deodorant on pillowcases
Spraying EVERYBODY's toothbrushes with hairspray (And, if you were wondering...YES I am out of hairspray)
Spraying room with cologne
Filling MY hairbrush with diaper rash ointment and hairspray (Remember, I am innocent in all of this :D)
Thankfully there was nothing permanent!! LOL Anyways...
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
My parents had to run errands yesterday morning. We (Kaniel, Nathaniel, Sarah, Josiah) decided that we would be funny and tape UNO cards to the ceiling! What's the big deal with that? Well...nothing. :D But Kaniel said "Its my second to last day so...why not?" So they began to tape UNO cards to the ceiling!