Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dad's surprise birthday Tocoa!

Last Sunday was Dad's b-day and the church in Tocoa decided to throw him a surprise b-day party! It was also a combination Father's Day party, because FD here in Honduras was last week. All the fathers got to participate in the games, and there was loads of laughter. They played pin the tail on th donkey,
(this picture is shown without the tail).
They also played pass the bundle. This is a game in which the participants sit in a circle and as music is played (or people sing) the bundle (usually several bags wrapped up together) is passed from player to player until the music stops. The player is than (normally) asked to do some kind of action or do something strange or funny, and then the game continues. They however let the person decide what they wanted to do...this lead to...I am not sure what it led too! :D It lead to the following...URGG...I had the funniest video clip of one of the participants! But I guess I will have to post it separately. I will let you know where and when I post it...until then...

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