Friday, April 30, 2010

What happens when your barber gets a phone call while cutting your hair...

Hahahahahahahahahahahah...keep in mind Dad that you DID give me permission! Love ya!


I just wanted to ask ya'll to be in prayer for Lydia. She was having some problems with a sore throat, so yesterday my Dad took her to the doctor's office to have her looked at. It seems to have some kind of cyst on her thyroid (or around that area). She is taking anti-biotic and the Doctor said that it should go done, but there is a big chance that it will come back. The only to get rid of it is to have an operation. 

But...I know the God that has all healing power! He can make a way where there seems to be no way. He can still work miracles and he can still make that cyst go away! It is not really life-threatening, but it would still be hard for Lydia to have to undergo surgery. Please just keep her in your prayers. Thank you!!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Our house coming along!!

You can see things a little better now! Our house is really getting built! Awesome!! I am soo excited!

An accident??

Ok...I have proof...  Guys always say they don't want their pictures taken, but then they are always trying to get in other people's pictures. They deny it..."It was an accident"! LOL YEAH RIGHT...  So I now have proof...

Sorry guys, but that wasn't an accident!!! :D

You got to love them anyways...


Oh, and before you freak out...YES, they were playing!! :D...I mean look at Dad's face in the second pic...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Sandwich's new friend...

I have finally discovered the secret to the "wickedly-fantabulous-awesome" sandwich (you will probably hurt yourself if you try to say that). It is hidden where you would least expect it, so it is understandable that many people overlook it. Poor unforgotten sandwich secret I am trying to finally set you free!! It is understandable that you have many times been take for something that you aren't, but that will all change now! You will now be set free to compliment all sandwiches like you were made to!! I am so excited for you...oh right...

So this is the sandwich secret of the century, you would not believe how much difference it really makes. It is incredible! I am not even sure how I found out about it, but I have and my life (or at least my sandwiches) will never be the same. This is the secret ingredient that will leave you wanting to eat sandwiches all day long. It will make your sandwich jump up and dance with joy!!! :D Can't you just see your happy sandwich now? Your sandwich's life (albeit short) will never be the same. Your sandwich will continually thank you (in the 10 seconds before you devour it). So now...after all the suspense...

Drumroll please...

Oh, wait, ya'll didn't stand up....

Ok, now the drum roll please....

We are almost there....

It's just that he forgot his nerve medicine (this is a big moment for him you know)...

He's trying ya'll, be patient...

Ok we are ready now...

One more time...drum roll, please....

*Rolling r sound* (Is that you do the drum roll sound)

Here he comes folk...

Roll out the red carpet...


Ya'll don't believe me but try it on your turkey and cheese or ham and is incredible!!!

My wishlist!!

Hey Guys...great news!!! I found what I want for my birthday. I birthday is still like 6 months away...but, well, ya'll need time to save up! The NOOK it is soo awesome! Since I know you guys love me so much...well...I thought I would give you time to save up!! LOL I am so just kidding you guys. This thing rocks but I am not asking for it! But I mean don't you think this is the coolest thing ever?? If you don't you have serious problems!!! :D Either that...or you don't like to read! It has to be one of the two!


Friday, April 23, 2010

You know that you are an Mk when...(this will probably only be funny fellow Mks!)

You know you're an MK when: 
By Tessa Robertson

  1. Sheets that smell like cigarette smoke and chlorine become normal.
  2. You blow your nose on anything BUT a Kleenex tissue.
  3. While on Deputation, every sentence begins with 'Remember that ONE place…?".
  4. Your life's belongings can fit into a 24" duffel bag.
  5. You are able to unload the car/truck, get ready for church and set up display in 20 minutes.
  6. You measure a 'GOOD' church service by how much you sold off your display table.
  7. You are 1 sentence ahead of your mother as she gives her 'testimony'.
  8. Your father uses a maximum of 3 different scriptures in the 2 ½ years you have been on Deputation.
  9. You can recite McDonald's, Taco Bell's, Burger King's, Dairy Queen's, AND Wendy's menu better than you can recite the 23rd Psalm.
  10. You know the floor plan of EVERY Wal-Mart in the US AND Canada.
  11. Your family can throw on your seat buckles in LESS than 5 seconds.
  12. You talk with someone about their church and 'remember' EVERY John/Jane Doe that he or she mentions.
  13. Half of your siblings are sitting across the church playing connect the dots while you are sitting behind your mother with another sibling playing Game-Boy while your dad is sharing his "burden".
  14. You say basically the same thing @ EVERY church in the nation.
  15. You start chilling when it gets to 80 degrees or below outside.
  16. Dorito chips become 'nachos'.
  17. You start freaking out when the price of hairspray is $6-12. (Haven't been THAT desperate yet)
  18. You think a 'good' road is one with few potholes but many bumps.
  19. Your greatest fear is not that of snakes and scorpions, but of power outages.
  20. You start mixing the national language with your mother tongue.
  21. You feel like it's Christmas every time a mail package comes.
  22. You vote for Pedro @ MKA elections

Sorry I couldn't help it!! :D So for the TWO of you mks that read my blog (not including my siblings)...enjoy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Ya'll need to check this out! This is one of the greatest churches in the world...literally! Their spirit and dedication to God has impacted my life forever. As I was checking out their blog not long ago I was moved by this post and I would like for ya'll to check it out! Please! It won't take more than a minute of your time but it just might CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!! Family Worship Center Blog: Do you have a "Controlling Pastor"?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm going to take care of her...

I was doing something the other day in the kitchen, and Lydia walked into the kitchen. Now I can hear Charity in the background, she has been crying all day. So Lydia comes into the kitchen and tells Mom, "Charity is crying." You know like we didn't all know this!! :D What was funny though, was that Mom said she was going to go "take care of her". What struck me as funny was how what "taking care of her" means, varies with how old the "she" is. LOL Why???

Well if Lydia came in and said "Charity is crying" Mom would say "I am going to go take care of her". When she says that it means that she is going to go try to get her to stop crying.

But if Lydia says "Sarah is crying (or whining)" Mom will probably say the same thing, but, what she is really saying is... I am fixing to bust her bottom!!

Wow how things change as one gets older. :D LOL Anyways...that's all I got folks!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


So every Sunday whenever I go to the church I always take my pair of dress shoes and some flats. Today I took my white heels and I took a pair of white flip-flops that are starting to fall apart...or at least it seems that way, but they are comfortable. The whole reason that I take flats is because I teach Sunday School before our church service and sometime trying to keep up with those kids...well it is just better for me to be in flats. (I mean how many of you have tried to run in high-heels??) Normally after I dismiss Sunday School I run out the car, change my shoes, and then head in to the service. That's all has always worked...

Except today I kinda forgot...and know those ratty white flip-flops...?? Yep you got it...I was up ON THE PLATFORM playing the keyboard before I realized... I was like I can not believe this happened to was like as bad as a Classic Mary Moment LOL JK!!! :D  But I seriously couldn't believe that I had left on my flip-flops. Thankfully I am a MK to Honduras and...well...nobody was really paying attention! I wasn't really TOO worried about it...I just couldn't believe I had forgotten! It was pretty funny though!!!!! :D

Saturday, April 17, 2010


So I need help...  I am wondering if I should put in a blog for all the pictures that I take...What do ya'll think?? Should I do it? Do you think this blog is enough? There are not like really awesome pics or anything. Just those snapped pictures! I don't know what to do...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy "Dia Nacional de la pata" (a.k.a. is The national of the duck)

Hey peoples, just wanted to wish everybody a Happy Duck Day! Lots of you won't even understand the don't try to might hurt yourself. LOL :D Keep in mind, Becca, this was not my idea! :D No, I am not going to explain!

I also wanted to wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my two best friends! Isn't it crazy that both of my best friends b-days are on the same day?? What day? Today...April 16!!! I love ya'll bunches! Thank yas for being there for many times throughout the years when I have needed ya'll most! I pray that God wiill continue to bless you and keep you! :D Oh...and that he will help you to continue to put up with me, because that is probably the hardest part of being my friend! LOL JK (I hope)

So to Becca:

And to Vanessa: 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Oh, and Happy Duck Day to you, becca!! LOL

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What we do in the dash...

In the March 2010 issue of Reader's Digest I found a article about a Navy Chaplain named Terry Roberts. I was kinda speed-reading-just-skipping-over-a-lot-of-it when I got to the last paragraph and was struck by what he said: "At memorial services I that each gravestone has a few things on it: a date of birth, a dash, and a date of death. Well, that dash is our life. We don't know how long or short it's going to be, whether we'll live to 91 or 21. But it's what we do with the dash that really matters."

As I considered that I realize just what that really means. It isn't the day that we are born, or the day that we die, that really matters. It's what we do in that dash that counts. People may never hear about it, you might not do something that changes the world, but it is what we do in the dash that really counts. Even if it forever remains the dash on your has got to count to us and to our family and friends. Most of all it needs to count to God!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Wow...I don't know why I have been so non-post...ic (sp?)!! LOL I normally am thinking things up left and right to talk about, but well I guess I just haven't been my normal talkative self!

I am excited about our new YOUTH GROUP!!! Yes, for those of you that all your life have had a youth group in your church, and for some of you the majority of your life has spent there...we have NEVER had a youth group before. Well...I guess I can't say never...we did at one point have a youth group and we were having meetings but my Dad was in charge and once you have soo much to do, some things just have to go...  I am not blaming my Dad for anything, so please don't get me wrong. We were just too busy back then. Thankfully a young man in our church has offered himself to become our youth leader, so we are re-organizing. Thank you Jesus!!! We have lots of PLANS and IDEAS...but we are trying to raise the youth funds first! LOL Since we are finding out there is not a lot you can do with the money that is in the account! But we are excited!! Please keep our young people in your prayers. Young people around the world need your prayers, and we are definitely NO exception! God has been good, though, and he has allowed us to come this far, so that has got to mean SOMETHING!!

I may a little sporadic with my blogging in the upcoming weeks...but I will continue to keep on trying!!

Until next time~Allana

Friday, April 9, 2010

Congrats to...

I just wanted to congrat my good friend on her new JOB!!! (You finally did it!) JK Congratulations to you, Mary, for becoming Apsotolic News' newest reporter!!! I am very excited for you, and I KNOW that you are excited too!

For some time I have been wanting to start a Apostolic Youth newsletter type thing. Just have different people write different articles and/or essays...add some jokes...add some fun...and well send it out. I still haven't acted on it and don't know if I will...but it almost feels like that dream is closer because you got this spot!! LOL Don't ask me why...but...  Anyways!! A big: Congratulations to you on this!!!! I hope that God will use you...and if your writing EVER becomes boring I will forever cease to read anything that you have written! In other words...MAKE ME LAUGH!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


AAHHHHH...I am getting old! MY brothers and sisters are growing up and is making me feel REALLY old! Nathaniel is going to pass me soon (as in height) and I'm still not sure if that is going to settle well! LOL But it has to happen sometime! (I don't understand why guys have to be taller than girls, but I don't think that I would want a husband shorter than me actually does make a TON of sense!) Here in Honduras there is like NO young men that pass me up. It is just a little uncomfortable sometimes to be looking DOWN at them. That is a little backwards...but that is not what we were talking about.... So I am really feeling like an old maid. (Not really, I mean I am only ____ years old) But I can feel myself...well...growing up I guess! I have no idea what I am saying but is sounds good so... :D Anyways...enough ramblings for one day....

'Til later - Allana

Monday, April 5, 2010

Watz up peoples??

I see like NO comments!! WHY??? That needs to change peoples...PLEASE!!!!!! PLEASE!!! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!!!

*Down on knees* PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! HAHAHA...but seriously...


Sunday, April 4, 2010

My "funniest" prank ever!!

Well amazingly I didn't do anything for April Fool's Day! (Maybe the spirit of Kaniel finally died out) :D...I don't know! It is hard to believe though that I didn't do anything! So I know it is late and I know that I didn't do anything (Man, I sure am repeating myself) but I can make up for that...

So I am not the best prank-puller...that is certain, but I have been known to pull a few in my life. One of the "funniest" ones was when...oh I really want to tell this one?? Ok...

I was at my grandparents house in OK. Now before I tell you this story, you have to understand that my Mom comes from a looooooong line of pranksters. It has been in the family for years. My grandma is one of the worst that I have ever known for pulling pranks, and well...I wouldn't like to be on her bad side (which I probably will be on once I get done with this post...oh well...the price for freedom of speech I guess). So it was April the 1st which means we have GOT to do something! Well since it was just me staying with my grandparents, and since I was in cahoots with Mawdy (a.k.a. my grandma) that left Pawdy (a.k.a. my grandpa) as the only culprit. Poor guy!! HAHA so I was coming up with little things like: fill his beef jerky sticks can with pencils, and put salt his drinks, Mawdy was thinking on the bigger scale. I don't remember what all she thought of, and I am not sure who actually came up with the basic idea, but up with a grand idea!! We would go to the breaker box (while Pawdy was in the shower) and turn off ALL the lights.

So you have to understand that my grandparents house is pretty old, and it has old wooden floors (which I love) but I don't think that there is one spot that DOESN'T squeak! Pawdy is also a big man, he isn't fat (honestly) but he is just tall and muscular! So we wait 'til we hear him get out of the bathtub (on the LOUD wooden floors) and when we are sure that he is out. We head into the closet and flip off the breakers. For all of you kids that like to do RETARDED stuff...I know this sounds fun but NEVER TRY THIS AT HOME!!!!! Many things happen:

1. Pawdy will start to holler move around a lot.
2. Then the doorknob will be moved around a lot until the door FINALLY comes open.
3. He will then continue to repeat, "Turn the lights back on" (Only because he hears us trying to stop laughing).
4. Oh and then you will probably try to turn the lights back on then, and you won't be able to find the right switch. LOL
5. One last thing you will completely mess up the computer which make Pawdy even more aggervated then he already is!

So that was my "funniest" prank ever (which actually wasn't that funny to the "victims")! Oh, and, yes, we did mess up the computer although thankfully today is still working!! (I guess they fixed it) :D