Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm going to take care of her...

I was doing something the other day in the kitchen, and Lydia walked into the kitchen. Now I can hear Charity in the background, she has been crying all day. So Lydia comes into the kitchen and tells Mom, "Charity is crying." You know like we didn't all know this!! :D What was funny though, was that Mom said she was going to go "take care of her". What struck me as funny was how what "taking care of her" means, varies with how old the "she" is. LOL Why???

Well if Lydia came in and said "Charity is crying" Mom would say "I am going to go take care of her". When she says that it means that she is going to go try to get her to stop crying.

But if Lydia says "Sarah is crying (or whining)" Mom will probably say the same thing, but, what she is really saying is... I am fixing to bust her bottom!!

Wow how things change as one gets older. :D LOL Anyways...that's all I got folks!

1 comment:

Mary Frances said...

HAHAHAHA!!! LOL!!! Thats SOOOOO true!!! Good one ALLANA! :)