Well amazingly I didn't do anything for April Fool's Day! (Maybe the spirit of Kaniel finally died out) :D...I don't know! It is hard to believe though that I didn't do anything! So I know it is late and I know that I didn't do anything (Man, I sure am repeating myself) but I can make up for that...
So I am not the best prank-puller...that is certain, but I have been known to pull a few in my life. One of the "funniest" ones was when...oh man...do I really want to tell this one?? Ok...
I was at my grandparents house in OK. Now before I tell you this story, you have to understand that my Mom comes from a looooooong line of pranksters. It has been in the family for years. My grandma is one of the worst that I have ever known for pulling pranks, and well...I wouldn't like to be on her bad side (which I probably will be on once I get done with this post...oh well...the price for freedom of speech I guess). So it was April the 1st which means we have GOT to do something! Well since it was just me staying with my grandparents, and since I was in cahoots with Mawdy (a.k.a. my grandma) that left Pawdy (a.k.a. my grandpa) as the only culprit. Poor guy!! HAHA so I was coming up with little things like: fill his beef jerky sticks can with pencils, and put salt or...something...in his drinks, Mawdy was thinking on the bigger scale. I don't remember what all she thought of, and I am not sure who actually came up with the basic idea, but suddenly...me...no...Mawdy...uh...WE...came up with a grand idea!! We would go to the breaker box (while Pawdy was in the shower) and turn off ALL the lights.
So you have to understand that my grandparents house is pretty old, and it has old wooden floors (which I love) but I don't think that there is one spot that DOESN'T squeak! Pawdy is also a big man, he isn't fat (honestly) but he is just tall and muscular! So we wait 'til we hear him get out of the bathtub (on the LOUD wooden floors) and when we are sure that he is out. We head into the closet and flip off the breakers. For all of you kids that like to do RETARDED stuff...I know this sounds fun but NEVER TRY THIS AT HOME!!!!! Many things happen:
1. Pawdy will start to holler move around a lot.
2. Then the doorknob will be moved around a lot until the door FINALLY comes open.
3. He will then continue to repeat, "Turn the lights back on" (Only because he hears us trying to stop laughing).
4. Oh and then you will probably try to turn the lights back on then, and you won't be able to find the right switch. LOL
5. One last thing you will completely mess up the computer which make Pawdy even more aggervated then he already is!
So that was my "funniest" prank ever (which actually wasn't that funny to the "victims")! Oh, and, yes, we did mess up the computer although thankfully today is still working!! (I guess they fixed it) :D
So your in the states right now?! COME visite me in AZ!!! Will you be seeing Denae at AMC?!?!?!
No...I am not in the states! This happened last year. It is looking like I won't get to go to The U.S. this year! :(
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