Be the kind of women that when your feet hit the floor, the devil says: oh NO, she's up. ~Cara
Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year!!
Out with the old year,
in the with new.
January's coming up,
December's nearly through.
blah blah blah bla-bla-blah
blah blah blah bla-blah
Out with the old year,
Out with the old year,
Out with the old year,
In with the new!
LOL So...maybe he didn't say it better... And, yes I know, January's already here, December's already through! But the principle is...OUT with the old year, IN with the new! Although I have learned a lot of things this past year. I have grown and matured. I am ready to leave that year behind! This is a time to start over and discover NEW things. To grow and mature EVEN MORE!!! WOW! How exciting! Can't wait! So...
That is my profound thought for the new year...
*mumbles* I can finally go to bed...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Long is finally HERE!!! :D
HC: So, tell me a little bit about yourself.
Mariah Burgoyne (MB): My name is Mariah Christine Burgoyne, I'm 14, and my birthday is on December 3rd. I'm 5'7 Mariah is the oldest of three in her family. Younger siblings Megan and Matthew are ages 12 and 8. Mariah received the Holy Ghost at the young age of six. Other random facts that she mentioned were: If I could live anywhere in the world, it would have to, Honduras, Paris, California, Australia, or anywhere in Europe I guess. I love British accents. My most prized possession is my Ipod! I have 4 cats. I like to speak my mind; I am VERY opinionated.
Danae Burgoyne (DB): My name is Danae Shelly Burgoyne. I am 14 years old. My birthday is August 10th. I am like around 5' 7'' 1/2. :) Danae is the youngest of three kids in her family. Older siblings, Deena Belanger and Derek Burgoyne, are ages 21 and 18.
HC: What are some of your favorite foods?
MB: I really like healthy food (surprise, surprise), especially brocolli & carrots. But I also like! Anything milk chocolate, and preferably with caramel in it.
I like Cracker Barrel & Olive Garden! (Yum, yum!)
DB: My favorite food is pizza. My favorite restaurant is Baton Rouge! I like chicken, too!
HC: What are some things you enjoy?
MB: I very much dislike clothes shopping! But I do love book shopping & shoe shopping. I talk to to my best MK friend on the phone, I like to listen to stories, play games with my siblings, cook, and I love to eat Reece's Peanut Butter Cups...the minis! I like to sing, scrapbook, make cd`s (a LONGGGGG story), drink milkshakes. I LOVE modern decor. I am currently remodeling my room! (WHOOP WHOOP) I absolutely LOVE photography! I like reading & writing books.
DB: I like hunting. I like playing games. I love to listen to music. I LOVE playing the piano and singing. I love driving... LOLOLOL *private joke* I LOVE mountain dew!!!!!! I love dogs. I love to go to church. I like making cd`s! I like cooking. I like the color Blue. I like sleeping in!!! I love talking to Allana on the phone!! I LOVE TO EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MB: I very much despise slow drivers (in front of me or in the drivers seat!), people who interrupt you, people who OVER-exagerate, and! I would like to throw all yippy dogs against a hard brick wall...
DB: SLOW DRIVERS!! Know it alls. Messy hairdo's! Second hand stores. Onions!!!! Public Bathrooms. Packing my suitcase. Dogs that bark all the time. Cows! LOL Water on the floor. People that talk really loud! Ice coffees!! :( Being thirsty in church! LOL
HC: Can you tell us about an embarrasing moment in your life?
MB: My most embarrasing moment: Well, one day, while we were currently remodeling our house, our carpenter was running late. So I was in the living room, standing on the couch, singing at the top of my lungs, when I hear a little laugh. And the carpenter was standing RIGHT THERE listening to me! Boy was I embarrassed!
DB: Um... Sis Mckillop.. Sis Ruth... Sis Marcia....
MB: Be what the Lord wants me to be.
DB: I don't God's will!
Well, thanks for much, girls, for giving us a peek into your life! We hope to hear more from in the coming years! And to all my followers I just wanted to say thank you for following this blog. If the Lord wills things will get a little better in this new year of 2011! Which brings me to my last point...
Happy New Year, everybody!!!
From left: Danae, Mariah, and Megan |
Today's "Picture This" from
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas II
So...Merry Christmas again,
Merry Christmas...
Remember: It isn't X-mas, it's CHRIST-mas!!!
Merry Christmas,
Friday, December 24, 2010
An old picture...when Nathaniel was still shorter then me! WAAA!! |
This is from last month! |
I'll let you figure out which ones are the nuts! :D |
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Feliz Cumpleanos a...
Monday, December 13, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Thank God for good friends! :D
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I am thankful for...
Monday, November 22, 2010
Friend of the month
So seeing as I have July, August, September, October, and November's don't know what to say! Hmmm... Ok I have most of those friends picked out and will try to have them up on the blog within the next bear with me! :D
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!! :D
Friday, November 19, 2010
Like when Lydia was caught sneaking candies from Mom's she ran into the living room, threw herself on the couch, and covered her head with a pillow. Mom proceeded to ask her: "Lydia, why did you eat the candy?" Amid the sniffles her response came: "Mom, I was hungry!" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Mom is supposed to be getting her in trouble for eating the candies right, but she turns around and starts shaking with laughter, albeit silent laughter! (Fortunately Lydia still had her head under the pillow) :D
Then just today we set down to breakfast and Nathaniel proceeded to go on and on about the dog that my cousins just got. After listening to Nathaniel for a minute, Josiah turned to him and said, "Hey, bubby, what brand was the dog??" RFLOL
Sometimes kids are just too cute! :D That's one of the reasons I guess that I still love them! :D
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Ever wonder what is it like to make cookies while practically holding a baby...
Notice the arms crossed to hold the baby IN, while keeping her OUT of the powdered sugar, while trying to dump the powdered sugar with the other hand into the mixer. LOL |
Maybe if I give her a measuring spoon... |
...there we go!!! |
Gone are the days of the broom-stick-horsie (sp?)...
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Never include these in your high-school paper...(or any other paper for that matter)
"Worst Analogies ever written in a High School Essay Contest"
in the Washington Post Style Invitational"
- He spoke with the wisdom that can only come from experience, like a guy who went blind because he looked at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it and now goes around the country speaking at high schools about the dangers of looking at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it.
Joseph Romm, Washington - She caught your eye like one of those pointy hook latches that used to dangle from screen doors and would fly up whenever you banged the door open again.
Rich Murphy, Fairfax Station - The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't.
Russell Beland, Springfield - McBride fell 12 stories, hitting the pavement like a Hefty Bag filled with vegetable soup.
Paul Sabourin, Silver Spring - From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in another city and "Jeopardy" comes on at 7 p.m. instead of 7:30.
Roy Ashley, Washington - Her hair glistened in the rain like nose hair after a sneeze.
Chuck Smith, Woodbridge - Her eyes were like two brown circles with big black dots in the center.
Russell Beland, Springfield - Bob was as perplexed as a hacker who means to access\aaakk/ch@ung but gets T:\flw.quidaaakk/ch@ung by mistake
Ken Krattenmaker, Landover Hills - Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever.
Unknown - He was as tall as a six-foot-three-inch tree.
Jack Bross, Chevy Chase - The hailstones leaped from the pavement, just like maggots when you fry them in hot grease.
Gary F. Hevel, Silver Spring - Her date was pleasant enough, but she knew that if her life was a movie this guy would be buried in the credits as something like "Second Tall Man."
Russell Beland, Springfield - Long separated by cruel fate, the star-crossed lovers raced across the grassy field toward each other like two freight trains, one having left Cleveland at 6:36 p.m. traveling at 55 mph, the other from Topeka at 4:19 p.m. at a speed of 35 mph.
Jennifer Hart, Arlington - The politician was gone but unnoticed, like the period after the Dr. on a Dr Pepper can.
Wayne Goode, Madison, Ala. - They lived in a typical suburban neighborhood with picket fences that resembled Nancy Kerrigan's teeth
Paul Kocak, Syracuse, N.Y. - John and Mary had never met. They were like two hummingbirds who had also never met.
Russell Beland, Springfield - The thunder was ominous-sounding, much like the sound of a thin sheet of metal being shaken backstage during the storm scene in a play.
Barbara Fetherolf, Alexandria - His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free
Chuck Smith, Woodbridge - The red brick wall was the color of a brick-red Crayola crayon.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
'Til then!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Today is my birthday, happy, happy birthday. Today is my birthday, happy birthday...HEY *rip* -Wooten (sp?) Basset! LOL
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Check it out...
'Til next time
National Boss Day...
..and, No, I wasn't pinned at the other end of this glare...achum...excuse me...I meant stare!! :D |
Friday, October 15, 2010
Modern day school of the prophets...???
Thursday, October 14, 2010
I forgot...
Dedicated to...
Sis. Townley(Left) and Vanessa McKillop (right)! |
Friday, October 1, 2010
~Honduran Chikka
Friday, September 24, 2010
It's Elderly Month!!
~Honduran Chikka
Our FANTASTIC vacation!!! LOL
It was quite the experience. First we get there and someone needs to go to the restroom and there is NO toilet paper. Ok, that is not a problem we just ask for some, right?? Wrong...toilet paper is not provided. We were like...hmmm....ok. Thank goodness we always keep a roll in the van otherwise...well I don't want to think about it!! LOL Find out they also provide the water cooler thingie, but they DON'T provide water...we're going...okaaaay. Get ready to wash some dishes and find out that although they do have nice cookie sheets, they have no kitchen towels! Then we just start looking around and under the coffee table there was a really neat looking keepsake box thingy. Mom picked it up thinking: Wow, this ought to be cool. Open it up and we found christmas trim, some crayons, a couple of balloons and some white string. Mom was like: Well, that was...ummm...INTERESTING!!!!
Well, I offered to help "make" supper...which equaled heating up leftovers from Bible School. Nathaniel offered to help me...well...actually he was kinda pressed into service (Isn't being the oldest great?? *wink* jk) So we go to soften some butter in the microwave...and....nothing happens. We can't set the time for some weird reason. Me and Nathaniel both fiddled with and nothing happened so we ended up softening the butter in the toaster oven! RFLOL Hey...whatever works. So I am heating hamburgers and notice that the stove has three small burners and one big. Not a problem, just kinda funny...until...we find out that the ONE big burner doesn't work! LOL (That must be why my hamburgers are still cold!) So right about that time Dad comes over and he says: "So the microwave isn't working, huh?" He fiddles with it a few seconds, pushes a few buttons and what do you know...he is got it running!! I was like: "WHAT??? Cool...what did you do??" He said..."Uh, I just pushed the clear time button."...and walked off. I wanted to crawl under the 10 in. cabinet/bar...but it was 10 in. wide so... Like, duh, Allana...what about the clear button. After we got all the appliances working and the pans on the right burners so that the stuff would actually heat, everything else went really well.
Not sure exactly when somebody had the idea to listen to the iPod. We have two. One is us girls and one is my parents. So we picked mine up and stuck it in. I have some great stuff in there...I even had the preaching from RIOT!! Except...there is one problem...I synced my iPod wrong and now I have only one song...and it is not really a song it is the intro to an album and it is just sounds like someone is tuning a radio to a certain station and then it gets to the right one which is supposed to lead into the album but since I don't have the rest of the album we have a slight problem. LOL So we get out Dad's which has a bunch of music some of it great some of it not so much....only one problem there too...almost all the albums are named simply: Album. The artist on almost all the albums is: Artist (Ya'll remember him right?? :D). And as you may have guessed the songs are simply named: Track 1-Track 10...ect. So after we had randomly clicked a song we go to stick it in the iPod dock. Now we had brought ours, but they had a nice looking so you know it goes, we simply used their's. Cool...we listened to music for awhile and eventually somebody turned it off...well later that night and the next day I went to turn on music on the iPod and it wouldn't turn on. I really didn't pay attention in my brain I thought somebody must have left it on all night and it must be dead. I left it at that and went to do something else. The weird part that I didn't really realize was that it was both of the iPods. So we get home and I go to re-sync my iPod to get all my good music!! But...the iPod still won't turn on AND the computer won't even read it. Well our cord is a little...lets just say I thought it is probably just the cord. I went and got my Dad's. The iPod still won't turn on and the computer STILL won't read the iPod. Now I am realizing something. That my iPod is apparently fried...I was like Oh No!...then I remembered I can just reset problem. ...except the iPod won't I think: I wonder if Dad's is doing the same thing. So I go check it out. Same problem won't turn on and won't it seems that that NICE iPod dock they had there was actually rather faulty. LOL P.S. If anybody knows how to fix this problem PLEASE let me know!!
Now you are probably thinking: Wow, you must of had an awful vacation. NOT AT ALL...well...almost not at all! ;) There were definitely good points. Like the private pool right there on our back deck. Nice pool too. And we were only about a minutes walk from the beach. One day we walked to the beach and got to see a beautiful sunset. So there were definitely good points.
Our vacation REALLY was great with its good AND bad points!! :D It might not have been exactly what we had in mind but...we did make memories!! :D Anyways...I hope you have enjoyed our vacation (or reading about it) as much we did!! 'Til next time...
~Honduran Chikka
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
But really, I don't know what I did to that dumb (excuse my language) dog!! Like every time I walk out the door, she comes running and I get all excited and kneel down to pet her and love her and...SHE STARTS BITING ME!!!! Like...EXCUSE YOU!! She also likes to bite and pull on anybody's skirt. She ruined (almost) Sis. D's skirt this morning. yeah...I'm done now. I just had to vent. LOL
So this week is Bible School and we are cooking for all the guys so I have been extremely busy and I should probably go back and be busy again but...I had to let ya'll all know what I thought of that dog!!! Thank you to all of you who payed attention and read the whole post!! Love ya'll
~Honduran Chikka
P.S. When did I start saying so all the time?? ;)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
RIOT part 1
So where do I start? Everything about my trip was incredible! It wasn't any ONE part of my trip (even though there were many highpoints), but rather it was all those highpoints that made one incredible trip. I cannot believe all that God did for me that trip. God talked to me in a special way. Yet, it seems I have come away a little empty. It wasn't a long trip getting me down; it was church without a move of God. No, rather it was almost like I couldn't let me really allow myself to sit back and just savor His presence.
RIOT was incredible. I haven't been to many youth camps in my life, but that is one of the most incredible ones that I have been to. It isn't just the people or the spirit of God. It isn't just my UN-biased view!! :D But there is something so real, so true. There are not boy-girl conflicts (and everybody knows what I am talking about). Those moments when one boy decides that he likes this one girl and so she finds out. She decides she likes him back and WHAMO…LOTS of problems!! Through the non-existence of the problem the young people are opened up to look more for God.
What an incredible thing to watch young people who WANT to serve God. But that is not even the best part. The best part is when you get them together and have a service. It is definitely God that makes the difference in any service, but I wholeheartedly believe that it also depends on how we seek him. It depends on what kind of heart we seek him with. To watch all these young people reach on to God and to each other in the services was…I am without words to describe it, but it was so real.
There were several young people that were struggling with different problems there in those services, and I watched how God touched them. I saw how time and time and again, different people reached out to pray for them. Sometimes it was just a laying the hand on their shoulder for a second, other times they would gather around and dance with them. If someone from the world would have walked in at any moment through the service they might have thought they were all crazy, but not so. There was just a special presence of God that moved in that place. Other times the same young people that had their different needs, would reach out and begin to pray for someone else. It seemed that within minutes God had blessed them just as much or more then the person they were praying for. Was God playing favorites? No. He was blessing them for reaching out to others in their time of need. Or better yet, he was just blessing them.
Oh, there is no way to put it words all that happened in the services. It was more than just youth camp. You can tell me I'm biased. You can try to convince me that I don't know what I am talking about. Forgive me, but you cannot tell me that you can find that just any place. Can it happen everywhere? Yes. Does it happen everywhere? No. You can tell me what it's because of this or that, but I will tell YOU one thing. It is because they have a pastor and wife who are connected with God. It is because they have dedicated people who are trying to serve God. It's because they have a strong foundation. It's because their primary focus is Jesus Christ. That is what is missing in a lot of Pentecost today. In some places it is obvious that their focus is anywhere BUT Jesus Christ. It is sad, but you go to places like FWC and you realize that there is still a church. God still does have a people, and they are STILL moving forward!!
As you may have guessed from what you have read so far, church was definitely the highest point of all the high points. But I can't tell all of RIOT in one post so…this is the first part. Keep your hat on for the second part. Until then…
~Honduran Chikka
Monday, September 6, 2010
So what all has been going on in my life since I last REALLY posted on here? Hmm....well...A LOT!!! But I will just post the important stuff and save the not-so-important stuff for days when I don't really have anything to talk about!! HAHA (I know...sweet of me, right? What can I say...I just can't help myself) So the high points:
~ Family Camp 2010
~Minister's Retreat
~Two weddings
~Prince Edwards Island
~Some new pictures
~Getting to spend time with my bestie
And finally:
As you may be able to guess...RIOT was amazing...and you will be hearing more about that...but I got to start at the top of the list so...hang in there...all that and more coming riiight up!! HAHA
~Honduran Chikka
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Well...I think I'm back!! LOL
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Hey...I forgot to mention...
~Honduran Chikka
Anne & Gilbert....I'm in love!!! :D
~Honduran Chikka
Monday, August 16, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
I am on my way to RIOT!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Another little note...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
New friend of the month
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
New stuff on web
Dinia's baptism
Nora's baptism
Karen baptism
Youth - August 2010
Go check them out....lots of new pictures!!
~Honduran Chikka
Monday, August 2, 2010
They that wait...
How many times do we become impatient in waiting on a promise to be fulfilled. We pray for something, we know that God has promised it to us. We become excited and everyday open our eyes looking around for our miracle, then when we don't see it within the time limit that we have set we become discouraged. "Wait, God, I thought you promised me that you would do that miracle? Where is my answer to prayer?" So we put our miracle on the back burner, we forget about God's promise. Realistically, we stop believing in what God promises us.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
New stuff on web
Some new pics on the web:
Check under-Wanda's Wedding
A new page has been opened:
Go check out-Honduran Chikka's friend-of-the-week!
New poll:
Left side of all the pages
Exciting stuff going on!! Make sure to leave a comment in the Guest book, or on here!
~Honduran Chikka
Friday, July 9, 2010
Honduran Chikka has got a new look!
Anyways: Here's a link: Make sure you leave a comment on my guestbook.
~Honduran Chikka
Sunday, July 4, 2010
I guess that is all,
Honduran Chikka
P.S. Awesome church tonight! Miss ya, Geron! (Sorry to rest of ya'll)
Deena Walker
Country songs are dangerous!! ;)
So this has happened before, but I hadn't blogged about it before. The other day I was singing this song and all the sudden I realized what I was saying. You know that song, "A country song in reverse"...if you do you are probably going...uh-oh... Yep!!
The chorus goes:
You can play my ol' record backwards,
And it won't take long to see,
Yep, well only the last part of the song was sticking in my head. I kept singing it over and over, and I really didn't think anything about it...UNTIL, I was helping Dad with breakfast or something...and I sang it! Well the moment I said it, we BOTH realized what it SOUNDED like!! So Dad just started laughing, and I did too! If some guy is singing it sounds great, but some girl singing it sounds like get the picture!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Dee Henderson
Another random post from the Honduran Chikka!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
So long...
So man…it has been too long. I have been extremely busy. I know, I know…that is no excuse, but that's all I got for right now. Anyways, I definitely have been busy. We changed themes in Sunday School not too long ago, so that was lots of work: decorations, training, and lots and lots of practice. Not too long ago God, through nothing short of a miracle, has opened the door to finish the house. So Dad has begun to start the work on the house again, that has taken a little bit of work (although definitely not on my part). This weekend we have a minister's retreat. Next weekend we (my family), will be heading off for a friend's wedding. We will be gone all weekend. Then Family Camp is the end of the month, so we will be starting on the planning for that soon.
Realistically I love all the excitement, but that definitely doesn't allow for much blogging or other such things. (Side note: I am listening to Dee Henderson while trying to write this so…it may be a little scatterbrained.) I love the chaos of trying to make sure that all details have been thought and taken care of. It is my favorite part of camp, although it drives some people crazy. Anyways…if ya'll don't hear from me again for awhile…you know why.
~Honduran Chikka
Monday, June 28, 2010
Olanchito's Dedication Service
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I also wanted to say that I really wish that my non-follower followers, the ones of you that don't want to actually admit you are following me by clicking: FOLLOW, don't be afraid to leave a comment. I know there are probably close to one hundred people that follow me unofficially, and it is like ya'll don't think you can post because you are not a member. Well that is a bunch of balogne and ya'll really NEED to comment (especially those of you that are like FAMILY! ACHUM). Anyways...I will be posting a real post soon so keep checking back.
Motto: Don't be afraid to click the FOLLOW button. ;)
Friday, June 11, 2010
Honduran Chikka is getting a change!
Anyways, keep tuning in!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Sunday School kids!
I asked her, "Do you want to testify?"
"Ok, go ahead"
"I am thankful that God made me so pretty" Ka-plunk went her bottom as she sat back down. She just look so proud of herself, because she had testified! I was proud too, but more than that I was laughing!! Like if I could have, I would have been, rolling-on-the-floors-laughing-out-loud!!!! It was just too cute! I have to say one more time that I LOVE KIDS!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Four days!
Anyways....only four days!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Heather Sherrill
Heather is one of my great friends that has stuck with me (since I have known her) through many a baby-sitting days!!! (Oh, wait, you actually deserted me and went off to "work" during that experience, huh?) JK I loved doing that (even if it was without you!! ;) ). But I do have to say that she is an awesome person, and I am glad to call her my friend!! So to you, Heather (She is going to kill me!! Oh, wait...she can't because I am in Honduras!! HAHAHAHA):
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I leave the last of the dishes in the sink as I walk out the back door into the laundry room. I take the wet clothes out of the washer and place them in a basket, ready for transport to the backyard. I carry them back to the backyard and begin to hang them on the line. When I am done I walk back to the laundry thinking of what I will make for supper. I am already thinking what kind of meat I need to get out and...*sticks out tongue* to marinate it...I guess that will be another call to Mom. In the middle of this a couple of the kids start fighting and I take care of that. Then I make lunch, and we all go on a walk. All this time in my head repeating itself over and over is three little words: I AM CAPABLE. I think back over the years. Could I have done this three years ago, or even two? Could I even have done this last year? I don't think so. But somewhere along the way I have matured and THIS year...say it with me ;)...I AM CAPABLE. It is quite a change that has amazed even me! I AM CAPABLE...
I AM CAPABLE of getting up each morning to make breakfast.
I AM CAPABLE of washing the dishes.
I AM CAPABLE of cleaning the house.
I AM CAPABLE of helping the kids with their chores and school.
I AM CAPABLE of washing clothes and hanging them on the line.
I AM CAPABLE of making three meals a day, and controlling snacks in between.
I AM CAPABLE of getting everybody ready for church.
I AM CAPABLE of making sure that they behave in church...
I AM CAPABLE of...etc.
Most importantly, Max Lucado said: You cannot be anything you want to be. But you can be everything God wants you to be. Wow, that is most important. I AM CAPABLE of being exactly who GOD wants me to be! In that I am content, because I know that I REALLY am CAPABLE!